I was there like 8 or so years ago and was told by locals there was only an ambulance and fire truck{s}. Anyone else either rides a horse or has a scooter or just walks. Ford did it right, Pence did not.
I was there like 8 or so years ago and was told by locals there was only an ambulance and fire truck{s}. Anyone else either rides a horse or has a scooter or just walks. Ford did it right, Pence did not.
I got to know of them with Shake it Up, but Heartbeat City is when they really hit the mainstream big.
What should have happened is a joint stadium (a la Giants/Jets and next year’s Rams/Chargers) with the Raiders somewhere near a half-way point between the two cities, would have been a win-win for both. Not sure what 49er fans would have thought of a dedicated black hole section though.
I remember Rollergames and liked it for a time, til I started to realize this was wrestling on roller skates with silly storylines and choreographed shit. What’s really funny is a few years later they tried to bring it back using the same derby footage but interacting it with new play by play and even bringing back…
If true, one would think she would have not gone back for a second time, or even considered more after the second time.
Just from Sunday, he’s already better than either of them. If he can do good against the Texans and Titans (especially if they win) the next two weeks it wouldn’t surprise me to see a QB controversy before Foles gets back.
Local place near me offers what they call the mile-high burger which is a quad (4). You just nibble away at it best you can. As to this quad chicken; I’d omit the toppings (does tomato and chicken really go together that well?) and just put some bbq sauce on it (I hate mayo) and enjoy. Sadly, no Jack in the Box here…
Have to admit when first seeing this story my first thought was “that poor mouse”. As for the rest, just drain and refill the oil and move on, and call an exterminator while you’re making my fries in the new oil.
Be it sports or entertainment, agents can be a problem. An agent is not supposed to tell you what to do. If someone wants to play in a contract year or if some actor wants to do a project that they want to do or do an interview they want to do, it’s not up to the agent to order them not to. They can have their opinion…
I feel bad for the people of San Diego who didn’t deserve to lose their team like they did (same goes for Oakland). Chargers in LA just feels wrong. Funny how both former San Diego teams are the the outsiders in LA (Clippers). I feel bad for Rivers that as good as he’s been people in the future will always judge him…
I’d be more concerned with what players on defense are going to do if the holder flips her the ball on a fake FG attempt. They going to plow into her with a shoulder right in her gut?
I don’t think she meant anything racist by it either, just one of those things that comes out of your mouth you think is funny before realizing what you said can be taken a different way. I think the raking over the coals she is getting since is better punishment than firing her.
I couldn’t help laughing to myself when he touched her leg. Maybe he thought “well, if you love me that much...”
Surprised there aren’t (white) people screaming about him putting his hand on her thigh.
There’s a guy named Kaepernick they could always call, but they will make the lamest excuses not to.
Sad state that music has become when guitar solos have been replaced by someone rapping in the middle instead.
I remember how pumped and excited people were for the XFL the last time and look what happened. Why is everyone going all apeshit for it’s return? We all knew Vince wouldn’t be able to keep to his word of no goofy wrestling things and it took about 3-4 weeks for that to happen (remember Tommy Maddox being flown by…
They need to shorten the baseball season by 4-5 weeks. Have the baseball playoffs going on when the NFL season starts.
I too was sad that he settled instead of really twisting the screws on the owners. As said; he had them by the balls and then let go for so much less than he deserved. What’s even more sad is obvious it is they are treating him the way they are, there is no way they could have won.
I agree. Why it needs to be played at all is just silly anymore, but there is enough people who would scream unpatriotic if it wasn’t. I doubt anyone at a dog race or a demolition derby would even notice if it wasn’t.