Awesome, exactly right.
Awesome, exactly right.
In Minnesota here we've had a tornado and storms all week. My internet connection was just restored today after 3 days w/o... Comcast is gonna reimburse me but still... shit happens and it aint my fault but I would suffer consequences if I was dumb enough to purchase this piece of shit.
Its gonna be awesome for PC gamers, that much is certain given the new architecture of both systems. Glad I got my rig and its awesome.
Luke, I like you more and more these days. Good man! Keep it real and honest fuck their shitty experimental practices thinking theyre gonna change the way we play games and supposedly know what we want.
I can log into my steam account at my friends house and access super street 4 and play with him no problem. I dont have to pay shit, only install on his pc. Your argument is completely invalid. Besides, most of my steam games are 10 bucks or less, I dont give a shit if I cant resell it. GTFO lmao.
We mustve played a different game or you just dont know wtf youre talking about... one or the other.
So, Hypothetical, I dont have the internet, I buy a game, I take it home, I pop it in but can I install it? or it does let me install it (which I highly doubt) w/o a connection and how does it communicate that its been used? Does the xbox burn something on to the actual disc? If it doesnt do anything to the disc and…
Even if I did decide to buy this, I would be an idiot as I would only want to play games. Having all that shit running in the background, using resources I would rather have being focused on my game is bullshit to me. This console isnt designed for gamers, its designed for old people who give a shit about having more…
Perfect caption, I completely agree, I was bored out of my fucking mind until the CoD stuff. IW and Activision are geniuses for putting Ghosts up there... They fed us shit the whole 50 minutes and then served us a rib-eye at the end. I havent bought a CoD in a long but it tasted like steak today and the conference…
Weakest showing I've ever seen. I understand that E3 is coming up and they probably wanted to show off its features that nobody is gonna use and save E3 for the games. Definitely no sale outta from me, at least until its hacked. PS4 it is although I would've liked to had them both on release.
Cant get drunk and fight em when they kick your ass.
I bet you got a HP bullshit or Dell PoS. With consoles so terribly weak, it doesnt take shit to get your pc past consoles for the next 5 yrs. Shitty porting was the cause of high requirements but now with consoles sharing the same architecture as PC's, shitty ports will hopefully become a thing of the past. Oh,…
Thanks for the heads up Luke! I got 35 days to save a fat stack to throw at this cuz I'm going all out for this one! PC, to Jaguar to PS1, I've had and played/beat them all.
Seen this at I dont believe him.
This is great being that its from 2 guys and all but this is what I'm afraid of... What if it was 4? would it be twice as good? Most games in the future gonna look like they came from 99' because of budgets, publishers, the indie scene and making games small enough to go on mobile? Not tryin to knock them or…
"even as consumers increasingly turn to smartphones, tablets and the Web for their entertainment needs" Where the fuck do they get this shit from? Myself and plenty of my friends, online and offline have little interest in tablets and our phones.... It goes about as far as taking a shit and passing a few minutes.
not really that straight then lmao
Nah, he looks like he'd rather be holding a pair of someone's balls.