
I remember the good ol’ days when if you crashed you just blamed Pastor Maldonado. Now things are so complicated...

Biggest piece of advice: Get the fuck over it. Things change.

Boom, headshot. Next story.

To be fair, devastation had a head start in that region

Most of the charity stuff around these things appears to be window dressing, but I wouldn’t know about the charity/event relationships today. The last such event I did was in 2007.

I’ve done 5 Gumballs. Many dicks, but some great people back in the day, among the Charles Morgan, Jr, friend of all real car guys. There were many, many more such characters, and I miss them all.

I think the important lesson here is.....

Let’s talk about that big, big word that suddenly started surfacing – as if by an orchestrated effort – by people who had never used it in their lives, and who probably don’t even know its etymology: narcissist.

I think you mean hero

There there little sheep, you're safe.

^This guy knows what’s up

^This guy knows what’s up

Why limit yourself to one day a year for enjoyable lies?

I feel like painting fake tunnels on brick walls is an acceptable way to filter out people who should not have a driver’s license. Every city should have at least 6 of these.

Listen, the F-35 get a lot of flak (no pun intended), but no one is looking at the big picture: The aircraft will do more for world peace than any other program in history, because nations that rely on it will be totally unwilling to go to war with their $100m+ jets that can’t fight.

Am I an old person? What is a “woke boyfriend”?

Someone at hyundai marketing department will get a big check if they find out...

Oh fuck off.

you're whats wrong with this country

I would like to see cars smash into Volvo. Everyone knows Volvo drivers are never at fault. The safest bunch of drivers ever, no Volvo driver will drive into a stationary wall.

Do you know what an ND filter does ? Because I don’t think it does what you think it does. In fact, the likely result, albeit indirectly, from using an ND Filter would be an increase in rolling shutter problems.