
That's like, almost a whole Matt Farah.

How can you say that? This entire fad provides a unique insight into the mindset of Gen Y and Z or Millennials. Their helicopter parents wouldn't let them make their own mistakes, suffer even the mildest injury, or experience the smallest psychological failure. Canadian no-score youth soccer carried over to all

Judging from the video it seem's like a racetrack for idiots.

Well, you don't need expensive cameras and software but you certainly need the special lenses along with all the special mounts that they are using which I can guarantee are not cheap.

I noticed #1 you misspelled "Volvo Station Wagon"


Woman: Is that Doug DeMuro hiding in the bushes over there?

0/10 for using a dropped EXO X instead of one with proper ground clearance so that it can run in the dirt like God intended.

Color sucks, brake calipers suck, wheels look awful, camber looks terrible, car looks botched, etc.

Well, I do like the color of the car.....

Good grief....that's one flushed turd.

You know what Polyphony did for Grand Turismo? Not this.

So is it still tacky if I put one on my Miata?

The Toyota Sup.....oh wait, F&F pretty much made those expensive as fuck.

Hell yeah!

I did NAZI that coming

One can only hope he dies soon...

That's kind of creepy, it's like there's a serial killer who only preys on Mustang drivers, and this is where he disposes of the evidence. The lack of Mustang IIs indicates that even serial killers have taste.