
I’m sure middle school was super easy for him.

I know we are talking about a vastly different level, but this would happen in our senior league (13-16) all the time with someone who ended up going to the majors and flaming out hardcore. There was literally no point in trying to pitch to him because he would just smash the everlasting shit out of the ball. The one

The way that guy sidesteps and starts wagging his finger you can tell that he regrets ever letting her “help.”

No, I think you are thinking of that other guy.

He better calm down before he gets a blister and is out half the season.

That reference is too inside baseball for a sports site.

The most interesting thing in here for me is that the Braves have a “Family Room” which looks like a daycare basically.  That surprised me but seems totally obvious in hindsight.  It also made me a little happier that they make it so professional athletes can spend more time with their kids (or at least have them

TMZ is huge in LA and people know they can go there quickly with a hot tip and get paid. At this point they also likely cultivated a bunch of sources in LA and NY from their celebrity stuff so someone in the LAPD might have a relationship with them already.

Something something drag queen. It is too late so make up your own joke.

Man, I teared up at this part:

I mean, how on brand is it for the Kings to have the opportunity to go with a 1 and end up with a 9 (and a protected first round pick 2 years from now.)

Oh her reaction is amazing. I can tell you they had a long BART ride home.

oh my god i didnt know that reaction was so universal. here is my favorite gif ive made of a Giants fan realizing he fucked up:

They didn’t do any favors by not posting clips from her first shows to YouTube the day after they aired.  I wanted to check it out at work but couldn’t find any clips easily so I gave up.  By the time they started posting them regularly the initial excitement had worn off and I never became a regular viewer.

Someone posted that it was Amit Raizada. Even if he isn’t responsible for this, looking into his past reveals he is a grade-A asshole either way so I don’t feel bad about naming him.

Did you see the speed on the pitch? It was... nice. 

This sounds like the criminally underrated first season of “Search Party.”

I... did not know.   Now I’m conflicted.

Now playing

If anyone is interested in a 20 minute rundown of Kony... Internet Historian had a pretty good summary:

Well, one guy was named Bubba. He can’t be boring, right?