
Solid response to the facts presented against your claim that UC Berkeley is the only UC for sports purposes.

Except that pesky other school that Sports Illustrated once called the “University of California - Lots of Athletes.”



She’s also a huge Giants fan..

As for why they were both so devastated, Travis tells me it’s because they specifically talked about not interfering with a fair ball before the game. “A security guy came up to us before the game started and told us that we’d be kicked out if we touched a fair ball,” Travis said.

Ginger Mark Wahlberg is disappointed in himself.

I haven’t seen any GIFs yet... and since I’m a Dodger’s fan I couldn’t resist:

I wonder what unwritten rule he broke.

What does “gapping that smoke” and “you can’t go through the walls” mean in context? Both were said on voice chat.

Now playing

So we meet again turbineguy! We often end up on the aviation comment threads. :) We had a 727 that was on our field until the engines were up... then it was ferried to Arizona and I’m assuming dismantled. I wonder if it was the same one? Here is a nice (but still slightly weird) video someone made of it:

It’s all fun and games until you need to the engines overhauled. Then the cost of maintenance is more than the airframe is worth. On the bright side, you can pick up some beauties with <50 hours TTO for a song and a dance.

Great article as always.

Pretty sure they swapped her out for a mannequin at the end. They would have gotten me but the coloring was all wrong. Can’t wait to see this David Blaine “Football Magic” special.

Someone check Aaron Hernandez’s cell.

And then semi-bragged about it during the debates! It was awesome.

Wait, are 10 hole golf courses a thing? I know about 9 hole courses but I don’t think I’ve heard of a 10 hole one before.

He is a pretty great MMA live-event commentator most of the time.