
The consensus around Sacramento is that Cousins has matured a fair amount in the past two years. He isn't perfect, but he is a lot better than he used to be.

And those announcers didn’t suck at all.

He seemed filled with 100% natural biological rage.

“Ohhh.... I can’t believe he just yelled that. Was the camera on us? Oh no. My dad is going to be so pissed.” -Ladies to his left.

New click-bait column idea:


You’re welcome.

Last fucking time we let this guy order the banner.

That image was photoshopped. It mentions it at the bottom of the article.

I was wondering why they were going nuts over the pass and not the catch: “Pro throw... Pro throw...”

Well then maybe the Bay Area should stop taking their water from the Sierra Nevada mountains. Except that idea is fucking idiotic, just like your comment.

Didn’t keep his legs together. The silver hair pulled him up from a 7. We’ll see how he performs next week.

Nice roll. Popped back onto his feet.

Didn't you guys already write an article highlighting this conversation? Or am I losing my mind...

IS THAT A FUCKIN’ HOAGIE THEY THREW IN THERE?! Jesus. That bear is truly living the dream.

Coach looks like he has been working out... that is what we are cheering for, right?

I response to #1: