

I've got my posts written up but I'm assuming since it is past the deadline I can't enter the competition, is that correct?

Can we just talk a moment about how awesome the HEATERS are in the Volvo 240 series? Like... roast marshmellows melt butter on your toast warm. It was amazing.

If you have ever been to a "celebrity" event like a golf game or something along those lines you will see what an autograph hound like this guy is truly like. At the event I was at, there was a guy with at least 20 pickguards that he was trying to get Alice Cooper to sign. He also had handfuls of headshots of every

At least the Citation X's toilet flushes... (when it works.) Much better than just going in "the honeypot."

I see Shaq's investment in the Kings is going to pay off.

This... might be a mirror?

Before you buy one, keep in mind this guy is pretty short (as well as the inventor). As a 6' person there is no way I'd be able to fit in one of these.

He doesn't own a microbrewery thankyouvermuch. He is a certified microbrew judge.

Anyone with any experience with McAfee can tell you the results are going to show way too many false-positives.

Doublepost because i'm slow.

Very interesting.... The Good Wife for sure had an episode about long-term effects of concussions in sports but it dealt with the NHL instead of the NFL....

Guy on the right is literally twiddling his thumbs.

In case anyone is wondering... the countdown for the commercial seems to coincide with the power going out. When it cuts to black... the magic starts! Stick with it.

Wow. Distracted driving for sure. Or maybe the end of a long shift. Either way... That is pretty bad.