
There seems to be a lot of anecdotal evidence here and on Twitter and FB of people giving in Handel's name. Though it'd be totally unprofessional and they're highly unlikely to do it, I'd love to know how much of the money raised in the last week had either Handel or Brinker's name attached to the donation.

Yes, he did. I just watched this episode for the first time yesterday (I've made it to season 4!). I still can't figure out how igniting the atmosphere of the entire planet didn't magically kill everything right along with the gas.

If you can consider a day that no one gets off from work and it costs 3 times as much to get dinner at your favorite restaurant with only a 1/3 of the menu available a holiday. Where's my bitter-singles whiskey??

In her defense, she's obviously persuasive enough to convenience the board to agree with her, if they didn't from the outset. After all, they did approve this policy and so far very few have come forward to discuss their role in the new "granting strategy".


Oh oh, did you go to RIT too? I spent my first two years of undergrad there, and there was NO helping unless a parent intervened. Oddly enough, the little state school I finished at treated me like an adult and worked with me, not mommy and daddy.

I wish I could laugh at that last line, but if you listen to women's health opponents (I refuse to think of them as anything else), I seriously think they believe it. Really, these uber-conservatives probably believe that PP would roam the streets calling "bring out your soon-to-be dead fetuses" if they could. There

I think it might even be more basic than that. Not every rich white lady who lunches is as politically and socially tone-deaf as Handel. Even if she agrees with Handel's politics, she may not want to associate with a company that has proved itself unable to manage bad PR. Simply put, Komen is now too scandalous for

Actually, good point! Where was that 12 million in grant funds redirected? Marketing tie-in with Sanrio? The Hello Kitty Microwave for the Cute Cure: now with 40% more radiation leakage!

It's like Leverage, but with more douchey Ed Hardy shirts!

Listen, I've done the mail migration thing and while it's not a Herculean task, it's a pain in the butt and I don't want to do it again if I can avoid it. Much like changing your phone number, it's just a long process, it's hard to get everyone on board with a new place to contact you, and no email services is

Listen, no one ever accused Hollywood of being "self-aware," and they sure as hell aren't going to start now.

I still like her and her music. I just know not see her live now. :) It'll be okay.

Um, hi, speaking of online piracy... a couple paragraphs of this article should be in quotations as they're lifted directly from the posting. Come on guys, we're better than GoDaddy.

Because between all the hundreds of congressmen, I think 20 know how to turn on a c

I've also had problems with Amazon randomly cancelling orders, refusing to complete transactions, and charging me for two-day shipping and then actually delivering in 4. Switching one evil big box company with another isn't always the best solution.

Heh! I decided to be good and just get the Portal games. I've got so many games in my to-be-played queue, that I think adding every Half-Life game to the mix would give me gaming anxiety. Plus, I have a Mac, half the games wouldn't play on my computer anyway.

I bought it last night! :) Seems like the 3DS specific titles are pretty limited and mostly remakes (freaking LOVE OoT, so I'm good), but there's still plenty of DS games I want to play, so I'll find a way to pass the time. ;)

I have sinned, I gave in and bought the Zelda 3DS last night. And I gotta say, gimmick or not, the 3D is pretty damn impressive. I can't wait to get my hands on some more games that take advantage of the feature.

BLESS YOU and DAMN YOU! I was just going to pick up Portal 1&2 for under $10, but then I noticed that the Valve Catalog for $50 and I'm tempted. So very, selfishly tempted...