Stormer was by far my favorite character.
Stormer was by far my favorite character.
JEM! I always knew you were real! Where's Synergy and Rio at, girl??
Yeah, but it's super cathartic if you can't let go of a divorce that happened 15 years ago.
I don't know about the kill you bit, but they would certainly be screaming that you had no right to protest there. A few months back, Jezebel posted a video of a man confronting a few of the protestors outside a clinic after they had harassed his significant other on her way into the clinic. It was sort of amazing…
I found the idea of "loving" protesting horribly offensive. Yes, she seems more reasonable and considerably less raging than your average protestor, but she still making judgements about everything from the women's religious background (everyone must be open and interested in a Christian message), circumstances of…
Good to know! Think I'll use my hurricane!death weekend to check it out. Sounds like it should set the right tone... :)
I know this is going to make me WILDLY unpopular, but though I would love to see this show with the kinds of production values HBO can afford, I fear the soft-core porn they might shoe-horn in. Of course I say that without knowing anything about the graphic novel it's based on (though I'll be rectifying that soon).
Aw, no SeaQuest love. :( What about the horribly animated game that Lucas played, while submerged several miles under the sea, with Seth Green's character (whose name I forget).
Well, actually, I think porn stars present a better "reality" than models. I mean, seriously, fake parts aside, those girls are usually more voluptuous than what you see in fashion magazines. And if we're talking about movies instead of magazines, than you actually get to see that -OMGsayitain'tso- women's stomachs…
FRIED GREEN TOMATOES! Omg, I didn't even think of that one and I loved it so!
I have an odd homing device that allows me to tune into Terms of Endearment right as the kids are saying goodbye to their mother. I always fall apart when the older boy refuses to go in, and it's the ONLY DAMN SCENE I've seen of the movie. Damn you, cancerous melodrama and my soft, Cadbury egg interior.
I sympathize... I was just trying to explain David the Gnome to this guy I'm seeing a few weeks ago. He's only 3-4 years older and yet apparently that was enough of a gap to miss out on the shenanigans of a garden gnome and his wife.
Well done boys.
Man, I REALLY hope that Jo rumor is true. It would be awesome to see her back! And, speaking of Bad Luck at Black Rock, I know this is a really unpopular opinion, but I wouldn't mind seeing Bela back in demon form after years spent in hell. Good times. :)
Likewise. For every one of her documented missteps and fuck-ups all I could think was "how is this woman still alive?" I mean seriously, Heath Ledger was shocking. This was inevitable.
I'm excited for Season 7. I really enjoy the show, and I'm happy to go where the writers take me for as long as they're able to do so. There's been a lot of buzz that it'll be a return to the horror roots of earlier seasons, which I'm kind of looking forward too. Everything got so complicated with the Apocalypse…
Bull truth.
You brave little solider! I acknowledge your pain... to precious for this world...
Dear Cas, I loved that episode. so. much.
You know, you're very right, if we're speaking of a peasant or even merchant class citizen - who honestly was probably too busy working himself to death to pause and think much about how he'd much rather be banging the miller down the road than his wife. If the two men (or even women) were sitting on top of the Great…