
@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: Ah! That's probably why none of the stormtroopers shots are able to get anywhere near him. I was wondering about that.

@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: Ah! That's probably why none of the stormtroopers shots are able to get anywhere near him. I was wondering about that.

Please, please, PLEASE stop calling sports photographers paparazzi. They're not the same thing. These people are hired to document the game, and, yes, that sometimes includes snapping a pic of any celebrity fans they notice. Of course generally those fans don't make a scene just to get a few more frames.

@Wenchette: I believe the Earthsea movie was adapted and directed by Miyazaki's son. I'm not sure Miyazaki himself had much to do with that production at all, unlike this where they're making a point to say he was involved.

@Altima NEO: It might honestly be the secret surplus, recently discovered by the Scoobie gang in an abandoned and haunted warehouse, suspiciously located on a valuable bit of real estate.

@Pigasus: Yes, but there is a whole industry set up so you, D-list celebrity of whatever gender, can sell your sex tape, cry foul that it was "stolen", then a couple months later publicly take over the profits after some lawyers make a public show.

What I think the article is saying is that even if the woman is shamed & blamed, a week later she is rewarded with a new tv show/clothing line/perfume/advertising gig/etc. and gossip columnists are the only ones who focus on how she got famous in the first place. And that, just perhaps, we do not need yet another

Kingdom Hearts! Here's hoping for KH3 announcement at E3.

@buddyd: Makes me feel so old fashioned. You know, 15 years ago when we drove from CT to FL on family vacation, we had to actually talk to each other and play games. Sigh, I really sort of miss that.

@buddyd: If it's even remotely similar to the (admittedly horrendous) YouTube app, it won't be worth watching the videos over 3G. You'll only want to use WiFi.

@Warble: I worry that "simple" privacy interface means "remove almost all privacy options, and make everything 'social' - it's the new default!"

Meh, it was neat, but I didn't find it particularly useful personally. Perhaps I'm slow, but I still don't really get what Wave is and why I should want to use it.

@battra92: Did you find your fiancee locked in castle after visiting several other castles with only kidnapped children and midgets with weird headgear?

Every time I see a picture of Jessica Simpson I think is that what she looks like? I don't think it's a Photoshop issue as much as me picturing her completely different than she actually is.

@BabyJane: I'm in Cambridge. We can play with all the socialist, anti-American Lite-Brites we like here. :)

@BabyJane: As long as you're not in Boston, I say go for it.

Freedom of speech doesn't excuse anyone from the consequences of the things they say...

@Wess28: Yes, replaying both Team ICO games has made me very happy, along with Okami and Katamari.