
@Scoldy Lox: I know, it's such a struggle!! Especially when the mainstream media is hating on all the, well, haters.

@ihateyourescalade: The "not my kid" attitude is very hard to combat, and it probably helps breed new little bullies more than anything else. If you think your kid can do no wrong, the kid will pick up on that and believe that nothing he or she does is wrong.

The cosplaying, kick boxer personality, I can respect. But I can't accept that he is also a cosplaying office worker by day (as pic 9 suggests), this is simply too much!

Re: Brittany Curran's dress. The "don't" you're looking for is:

@atatnyc: Mmm, she was my gateway drug into the awesome world of girl rock and she's still my favorite.

@Alohamaid: It's okay, I'm both too old and too young to get it. Bieber, stop messing with my world perspective!

@Pombar: Yes, I enjoy them for their high cheese factor and my blissful ignorance of any wooden or wonky dialogue. :)

@Deezy: While I'm sort of sad no one gets dressed up to fly anymore, perhaps super-tight latex was not the best option.

Um, am I the only one who thinks these women look oddly elongated? Like it was shot with a fish-eye lens from a low-angle?

Needs more Batnipple.

@badly drawn girl: Thank you! I was thinking the same thing when I read that.

My cousin actually had an Easy Bake Oven, but every time we went to use it, my aunt would just make us bake a real cake or cookies or whatever. It was sort of a waste, but at least the food was better that way.

Mason looks like a little turnip and I mean that in the most complimentary way. He's very cute.

@SouthernSatine: A bunch of the bars in Boston have them too, but an "indie music guy" isn't going to be anywhere near them since they're packed with top 40s and dance songs. The only people hanging out by them are the extremely inebriated who hang on for dear life while they try to decide which Britney song they want

@Bobarian: EPIC win or EPIC fail?

@Curse lily: Neat! Except the third one from the left looks like she has a broken ankle. Or two...

@BeckyIva: Ah, fair enough. I completely misinterpreted your point earlier. Being a product of the Disney generation, there certainly was a time when I pictured myself in a wedding dress so voluminousness, I was having a hard time figuring out how my future spouse would reach me to dance.

@BeckyIva: Okay, HORRENDOUS behavior of this particular bride aside, why is it wrong if a woman wants to wear a giant princess style dress on her wedding? Just as it may be your taste to wear something more simple, it's someone else's taste to wear something more showy.

@7states: I agree that all the characters are flawed. I was worried at first that Quinn and Terri would be cardboard cutouts, but if you get passed the first episode they're given more time, depth and development. It seems to me that Sadie never watched beyond the pilot, not that she has to. Everyone's entitled to