
don’t forget this little gem he said.


I’m not gonna lie dude you had me.... like I had to come down the comments to make sure you weren’t a serious person posting that article as proof after your statement hahaha

registered libertarian in 2010. nothing to do with bigotry. more that I didn’t wanna be tied to either major party because life isn’t right/left or black/white. Thanks for stereotyping as you call Libs stereotypes/bigots

what tablet is in the picture? I’m just curious

what tablet is in the picture? I’m just curious

I told my buddy that when he asked if I was really ready to get married...I said “she knows I’m a loser and puts up with my bullshit, can’t get better than that”

I don’t recall me saying you were yelling. more said you were akin to those people.

I don’t recall me saying you were yelling. more said you were akin to those people.

I think it’s less being naive and you’re more like the people who yell at those smoking to quit as if they don’t know it’s bad. everyone know it means your voice might be recorded obviously they don’t care that much. “remember whenever you think you’re’re not”

I think it’s less being naive and you’re more like the people who yell at those smoking to quit as if they don’t

woke up at 2 am Central to grab a Roomba for gf at over 100$ off and Xbox one with two controllers and two games for 210$. not bad. I just put more effort than *looks at homepage* “what no free TV’s?! eff this”

woke up at 2 am Central to grab a Roomba for gf at over 100$ off and Xbox one with two controllers and two games for

did I say it was? Jesus, laugh a little

*insertTom Brady/Patriots joke here*

shouldn’t it be “They not? Yes”

you say Comey just spews words with no fact but this is the entirety of the president’s rhetoric. just talking to talk. most is unclaimed, unbacked, or straight lies.

Good ole zapps chips

my brand of Tequila, tres comas do you know what that stands for?

I feel like tampons could be used to plug a bullet hole or wound. not the best but out and about you never know

anything you’d need rope for...

thank you for your expertise. it’s nice when you can comment and people politely explain your misunderstanding rather than simple bashing.

ah yes I confused them. thank you for the correction! either way my statement on inability to spend proficiently still stands haha

unfortunately no. I believe the rounds developed cost $800k because they are guided by rockets as well. typical military not understanding how to cheaply make any part of a Weapon System