
It was a very nice upscale white woman’s death. Too bad so many people don’t have that option.

I used alcohol as a cover to justify to my buddies the fat chicks I hooked up with in college. Reality is I would have banged them sober, but being drunk was a terrific excuse. Either you are a rapist or not. Alcohol doesn’t change that. This douche is a rapist.

The ending was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen on television. But it was so stupid, it circled back around into the sublime, like an amazing Mr. Show skit or something. The show could end now, as a 5.5-season long set-up to a completely imbecilic punchline, and I’d be completely content.

is nobody going to talk about a cave having a fucking door for plot convenience?!

Interesting to see that direwolves dying is where people draw the line.

Rape, murder, incest, ok..kill off direwolves that we basically never see, and people are losing their shit.

I know this isn’t the right place to ask but when will we see more leo takes a look? He was really great.

Even if you forget feminism, I have yet to hear anyone explain the reason to get married to me that doesn’t involve some sentimental and pointless crap about proclaiming their love in front of everyone in their lives.

I’m going to get eviscerated for saying this, but here it goes:

I really hope they go back to the goofiness well of New Vegas’ writing. This is some serious stuff and I miss having my organs stolen.

Why did you even bother writing this comment? I’m honestly interested. What is it about launching your vitriolic opinions out into the ether that makes it worthwhile? You’re not asking or answering a question, not contributing anything to any discussion, just “I hate this game, and I’m currently playing a different

I can’t believe my six year-old has a Kinja account. They grow up so fast. Welcome, son. I don’t think your mother is going to approve of that handle.

>>My opinion should not matter to Beyonce or the other women in the video, and when they’re talking, I will gladly give them the space in which to do that,<<

Because that’s not what she said; she said:“Beyonce made an art piece celebrating black women and I approve.” She forgot that feeling or even giving voice to that “approval” is rooted in notions of white supremacy.

We don’t need your “AS A WHITE PERSON, I LOVE THIS” bullshit. You love it because you are a person, because you connected with the work on a emotional level, because you found you relevant to your personal experience, not because of your fetishization of black female beauty.

The “disclaimers” do not annihilate the fetishism. She stands from the outside screaming: “Society does not but I approve! I approve!” We do not seek her approval; we do not want her approval.

She can acknowledge that but the issue with her post is how she deigns to give her approval to the work AS A WHITE WOMAN as if anyone asked for it and showing that she really does not “get it.”

Your chief mistake was thinking black women need or even want your approval. I understand that you were trying to express how much you connected with the work but your diction reveals only a fetishistic appreciation.

They make it seems as if we have such stringent protection from preventing men from entering as it is. The reality is, and I know this sounds dark, but if a man wanted to go into a restroom to commit some sort of crime, he can do it without much resistance.

I wish these people would stop it with the fake concern for teh childrenz already. There is nothing stopping anyone from entering a restroom and sexually/physically assaulting someone, whether or not they are in a restroom that corresponds with their sex. Just admit that the mere existence of trans people bothers you

Now playing

You can't see the forest for the trees because it's so much a part of our day-t0-day lives. Try this: think of every movie, tv show, every song, every book you've ever read where the guy wants the girl, she says "No" and he just keeps coming, even if she's with someone else. You don't see that as "rape culture"