
First time smart phone buyers will be influenced by their friends and family: what phone do they use, are they happy with it and why?

And whatever marketing there has been, is wrong headed. Even now.

The AT&T branding is definitely an eye-sore. It looks like the only way to get rid of it on this device is with some black electrical tape. Damn.

It's a beautiful looking phone, no doubt, but I'll concur with others here about the on-board storage; 16 GB (really, 13 GB free) is not enough for me, particularly over a two year contract.

Well, isn't that basically the FM Top 40 radio model? And it's why you hear, the same songs over and over again: the labels are paying the station for radio play.

Yeah, this says to me, "It's over, Johnny", more than anything else.

My original theory is that RIM can no longer go it alone, and are probably quietly looking to be acquired.

I know the odds are extremely long, but I recall last Summer, when a group of workers at a Costco near me won something like a $100 Million jackpot.

Another big reason for the changing fortunes of Best Buy, that I've only heard one analyst on Bloomberg point out, is that much of the HDTV and electronics upgrade cycle, including appliances, were bought on the back of inflated real estate home prices, a rising housing market and home flippers, and endless home

But you're changing definitions all over the place, and so is Gizmodo's commentary.

Well said, good counter-point.

You can add another sub group to this: older folks and retirees over 55. Your grandparents and your older parents likely don't need, and wouldn't have the foggiest notion what to do with, the latest and greatest smart phone.

I'm assuming the $99 price point is to convince dumb phone users to upgrade to the Lumia.

Well, it seems to me that the key question to ask is: are 3D ticket sales falling due to pricing, or because audience members don't like 3D?

....or older people and/or women, that may not care at all about gaming.

This is a good thing.

The tin foil hat alterna-version: the FTL results are for real....except the governments of the world are pulling this in for classified use and releasing a public 'never mind'.

"The only problem is that we know of no way to warp spacetime in the necessary manner without using more energy than there exists..."

No, I haven't.

No more future Warp Drives= Sadness.