
Ha! It seems Windows versions are the opposite of Star Trek movies (the even numbered ones are the good ones).

To agree with everybody else: bullcrap.

Um, they just *increased* the cost of data by$5 per month; that's $60 *more* of your dollars a year (plus taxes and fees, fees, fees) that'll go into the Death Star's coffers, on top of what you're already paying.

Yeah, but video, not so much (on Skydrive). What's the point of a large screen and an HD video camera, if you're going to limit these phones to 16 gb (really 14 gb)?

I sort of agree. The wealthiest people I know, and I have some in my extended family, are often the most frugal: they're often NOT first adopters, and they look for bargains for everything, even grocery shopping. You'd never know....

Maybe it's only me, but navigating that UI looks really tedious, as in, it actually made feel tired.

And the storage of course.

For a 16 mega pixel camera phone, the on-board storage seems awfully low at 16 GB.

Usually, I'd agree, but this particular offering from Sony looks pretty generic, like every other Android smartphone from Samsung or LG.

I still like physical keyboards on smart phones.

I can see a problem right away: during normal computer usage, your eye wanders frequently. You may glance at the clock widget to look at the time, while web browsing you may look at an ad or a pop up.....and so on.

Lexisnexis for one (for legal research), Skype of course which I use a lot, as I have family overseas, and very recently, HBO Go. I'd love to watch Game of Thrones on the go, without paying for it again a second time, since I already subscribe to HBO.

Yeah, the last time they were relevant here, it was during the '90's with that cool slider phone that Keanu Reeves used in the first Matrix.

I'm due for a new phone now, but will probably look at Android or iOS.

I don't know the inner workings at Apple, but I can confidently state, and put good money down on it, that Apple will NEVER put expandable SD-card memory slots in an iPad.

It's not doing a favor to any of the TV manufacturers. I took a stroll through a Best Buy on a relatively busy Sunday, and the 3D TV area was a ghost town. In fact most of the customers in the TV department were all grouped into the one aisle at the end, with the 26-32 inch TVs, funnily enough.

The people that bitch about the 3D glasses, like me, usually do so because we already wear eye-glasses and the 3D specs require us to wear glasses on top of other glasses; yeah, not exactly the most at-ease way to spend a couple of hours watching TV.

I don't see how this guy fixes Sony's main problem: that their consumer gadget division is a slave to their content division (the movie and music studios), instead of content playing a support role, or simply staying out of the way.

The real question is: who in their right mind would want to own 3 copies of the Hangover-fricking-2? I saw it in the theater and it was so bad, so mind numbingly awful, that it actually made me angry.
