
And the total take:

$142.78 and a candy bar.... WORTH

Why does everyone overdo the clutter on Donny? Yeah, he’s a nerdy tech geek but he doesn’t need 30 objects placed all over him to reinforce that concept. There is no way he keeps up with the rest of them weighed down so much with cumbersome crap.

That face slash is so Equilibrium.

I doubt they go the "ultimate powerhouse" route. Honestly I couldn't give a rat's butt about 4k. Give me a powerful machine that does everything in beautiful 1080p and gives room for other features in the hardware. 4k is in it's early years and it takes the beefiest of PC gpu's to use it with amazing games. Sure a

Dragon Ball manga is 1000000x better than the Anime.

Those tiny pilots look an awful lot like the headmaster and gun-bot (or whatever they were called) miniature Transformer toys later on down the line.

me and my brother got a transformers each (the only one we ever had) mine was a futuristic looking tank, his was a space jet looking one (also with a futuristic design), mine came with the first mini fig in your image, i always thought it belong to a bunch of Lego's that i got at the same time, i wish i could get that

Aww. As I understood, if someone that a blog was following followed someone, they'd automatically be approved. That may have changed when they instated the pending comment system.

How 'bout now? Someone tried explaining how the approval worked to me last year. If they haven't changed the rules you might be approved now.

I've been posting for so many years, and still in the gray..

Can you do me a favor? (not related to pain killers, lol)

I have found that pain killers + gaming = awesome. Too awesome. Much better than booze + gaming. Be careful.

This video really looks impressive in 60fps. Like... better than most 60fps videos I see.

I have never read the comics, but the movie blew me away! I loved every second of it.

I was "scolded" once for saying I liked the movie from a superfan of the novel. I felt that was unfair because having never read the book, I watched it without expectations. From a blank slate, I don't think it's a bad movie. But I understand when a nerd-linger who is a die-hard fan is not pleased when the movie

Not enough pedals.

The main thing this video does, aside from highlighting the word no, is to remind me how many great moments have happened in the Uncharted games. Cannot wait for the next.

Paranormal Kartivity