
I hear Hennessy is going to show off his new f5. Any info?

This was great. Loved the drag race...loved the GT parked chillin. Loved the MIA song.

I’m sorry but I’m putting this amount of cash into a cherry 328 before this.

As a cyclist myself this proves that nobody ever pays attention to us. Even during competition riders are getting hit...geez!

Amazing. ‘Merica!!!

My suggestions:

I don’t see how any of this ends well.

Look at the moms face. That's her O face. The first time she's sported one of those since she made the little tyke.

Sheep don’t care. Sheep knows the car can handle...but can it brake? Sheep wants to know if Andy sprung the extra pounds for quality brakes.

Sir mix a lot liked amg’s.

So are we now allowed to order the Kings Weiner at the drive up

I can tell you that the ride w their driver was insane. It didn’t just feel fast but it felt like we were on the edge of control at all times.

Two years ago. 270.4 mph. At the space shuttle landing area.

I have been in that exact car w a Hennessey driver. It was face melting...far faster than it should be. I loved it.

That thing is horrible looking, and will perform worse than what it competes against.
I would rather have the Chrysler TC in that yellow color. At least you would stand out from the crowd.

Maximum Lutz!

Well done.

Love the original avanti. I always felt like this was one of the final “mad men” type cars made.

Sweet Maria. Watching that game was tough. I'm not quite sure why the bar had it playing. Because no football I assume...but wow....

Wait, Top Gear is coming back...I hadn't heard.