This, that Offroad AWD Gallardo looking thingy, the diesel V12 R8, all Audi does is make mouth watering, wet dream inducing Concept Cars to tease us. Yet BMW, tends to bring them to fruition...i8, anyone?
I second this request
I don't want to get deep into this here, but I agree with everything you've said. I can shuffle a playlist of random songs, but (good) albums are mean to be enjoyed as a whole.
Now, there was an anime called "Red Line" that was actually extremely good...I had heard there was a live-action remake of that...would this be it? Because the anime was on a larger scale than just "drive from one city to another within the same time zone".
Tried to watch it twice. Never made it through either time. Absolutely horrible.
I'm just saying you could and the movie would be the same. It was about the character, the driver, not the cars but was advertised like a car movie.
This. I actually had to turn it off. I love the cars, but it was that bad.
Dat Laugh
This was one of the few movies I did not finish watching (Also didn't finish watching "Bangkok Dangerous," but you probably can't blame me for that one.)
Beat me to it. Movie was just yeah.. horrible as hell. I was hoping the car races would make up for it but nope... the acting was phoned in by all actors. The only redeeming quality of this movie was the fact it wasnt 2hr's long.
Senna is the worst car movie of all time. It is a movie with 1 formula and it has a lot of talking of people, some races, and then a girl got a tattoo. Ratzenberger died before he used a time machine to be in all the pixar movies, then senna died, and dying is the worst so this movie is the worst. I can not watch a…
You're allowed to hate on me for posting it. I recognize its a controversial answer. My issue was that it was the stark difference in how it was advertised to the actual story. I went in expecting something else; and while i am fine with being surprised, I personally just didn't really like the resulting movie.
Go watch the movie again.
I love when he laughs after running the RC truck over!