Barry, what if in the last sentence you changed it to, "Stepanek took the game without ever needing to touch the ball."
I also love how on their Luxury Car Rental page, they have a Lamborghini Cesto Elemento picture.
Patrick... amazing journalism. As always. Bravo.
I'm determined to make them re-route through it.
But in all seriousness. Great article. I love Hennessey Motorsports. This thing is fantastic.
Much better answer haha
It would be...
Thank you! I love how it looks too. And I'd always keep the logo on it. I've thought about painting it black.
Yeah I thought so. I just wanted to participate haha.
Don't know if this is necessarily a "fail", but here it is anyway.
Mmm... You have a point there, Kunio.
Probably absolutely nothing.
I didn't even know you had suggested it, and I'm sorry it didn't make it! I'm bummed it didn't make it either. At least it's gotten enough response that I'm going to call it an, "Honorable Mention" haha.