Jid M

Because they're whiny little bitches.

Best... gif... ever...

Okay... on that Merc... absolutely that looks gorgeous. But on everything else (Arial Atom excluded), I just haven't been a fan.

You're correct in saying this.

Watch the video that EVO TV did on YouTube. They explain why. It's quite good.

When are designers going to get over the whole No-Windshield thing? I feel like it's the 3D version of cardom. I don't care how good the rest of it looks, no windshield is stupid.

I've also got nothing... unf...

I mean... I think the explanation stops here with "Elephant Jumps".

I'm sorry, but having smaller lights on a large(r) vehicle is completely counter-intuitive. It doesn't make sense, and I don't like it.  Nothing matches up on the front end. The designer needs to be sacked.

I'm going to say failure.... because it is ugly as sin.

Hey... I can see my house from here...

Go home US89! YOU'RE DRUNK!

Wait.... when did it become April...?

The simplicity of this steering wheel is wonderful. It's not overly complicated like the steering wheels on Ferrari's nowadays. +1 McLaren... +1

You want the car wearing a million dollar suit, to cover up the dash for a guy that doesn't make that in his life time?! COMMON!!
But seriously... wtf 1970's dash-cover. Wtf.

This is just... pathetic. 9-3 ALWAYS. Overlock is for control. COMMON. I have never done a track day, but I plan on it.  I (and this isn't ego talking) truly am a good driver, and I know I would be able to drive better than this guy. Maybe because I have a small wallet?

Spinelli... that was fantastic.  Absolutely on par with all of your Clarksonisms. Plus, I always look forward to Drive Central and your shenanigans.

This is great. I love that I got to learn this very early on as a small child, watching my dad race gokarts, and watching INDY and F1 with him every weekend. But a refresher is always good.

I don't even have the Evo. WAY too far out of my price range. I've got the middle model, just one step below the RalliArt, which is the GTS. It has upgraded suspencion package in it. Though that model does come with paddle shift, it onlyu comes with it if you get the CVT, which I did not want. So I went with the