Jid M

This will be generating meme's for years to come...

I also agree that this should be on the list too.

I agree. I just watched this on NetFlix last week, and it was amazing.

Moragan Aero 8

Well done!

How young are you speaking? Because in my opinion, teen drivers are WAY more dangerous. They drive to quickly, and give no attention to space, speed, or distance.

Well done! Congratulations!

Thanks Brian! Lovely video!

My vote is for the BMW Straight 6. That engine is INCREDIBLE. And it looks great.

At least Joe made it to #2! He was my vote.

Sadly no. The one I was speaking of, he was in a white showroom and he had had his face painted onto the hood of the vehicle. Freaking hilarious video.

We used to own an Isuzu Trooper (my father actually STILL works for Isuzu but in the Commercial Trucks devision), and every time I got in it, Joe Isuzu.

You mean, BOUGHT two car companies FROM a whole country? Lol

OH man. Totally did forget. I LOVED those commercials!

Yup, I think he'll be #1.

Again, my vote as well! I posted the "Isuzu Saves You a Billion" video.

My vote as well! Although, I posted a different video.

Joe Isuzu, of course!

At first I was all, "Where the hell are the 24 other kids on the bus along with Mr. Williams? That sentence makes no sen... oh wait... there they are!"

I LOVED pole position! So glad it made it to the list.