This made me laugh so hard... I replayed it about 10 times. Frackin... Hirareous.
This made me laugh so hard... I replayed it about 10 times. Frackin... Hirareous.
The Americanized version of Totoro is from Samurai Jack, from Cartoon Network. I loved that show.
As stated by some of my other Lopniks... DO. WANT.
The LFA is lease-only?!
I'm in the same "hate" zone as you are Komododave... same... freaking... zone...
I've looked at this picture... and it is really hard to tell exactly where his body is. I see his legs and torso... but then everything else is blurred.
Ray, I agree with posting things like this video, and the video of Dan Wheldon's incident and your reasoning behind such things.
See... My SoCal mind sees bro as, lifted truck, "skin" stickers and sleevless shirts, baseball caps with the gold stickets still on them with a flat brim, Dragon or Oakley sunglasses, and a hooker-slut girlfriend.
The second I saw this... I had a crisis (to quote Jeremy Clarkson), and I had a shiver go down my entire body.
Yeah... This is the least bro-ish of all of them. This car is actually super clean, and really, really good looking in my opinion. And Bro's don't know how to keep cars clean looking. They add crazy fender flares and have more spare tires then they know what to do with to the back of their lifted piece that they…
Completely and fully promoted. That car is... wow... SO clean.
I know I'm not the first, but I mean... COMMON. Ferrari eater.
I have yet to get a hat-tip -_-...
It is. It's right by the aquarium when going around the corner of Shoreline Drive.
Sadly... I was hoping it would go at 1,000,000. BUT NO.
More than a million -_-
Awww... What a sad day. Mr. Hyde... May your new line of work make such a Jeckel out of you, that you return to this wonderful place.
I so called this being COTD (in my head and not outloud of course).
You're completely right on many points, however, I don't know if "Groups" meant car clubs, or just the "group" of people who buy them in general. Therefore, why I wish "Prius" owners made the list, because, as you said, the group of people that buy them are unhappy car club, and automatically buy into a club without…