
Why is everyone focusing on her sexual assault like it’s something shocking that this asshole would do, and instead focus on the fact that she stayed behind to help ensure the safety of two other girls when they escaped. She could have gone with them but thought her appearance would draw suspicion. She’s a goddamned

It’s no accident this is coming out on the advent of the American Presidential elections.

There’s groundwork being laid for increased military action against ISIS by America. The NYT article about the rapes. This story about an American being used as a sex slave - she’s young, cute, and white - which is the way to get Americans outraged. People commenting here are saying they’re crying reading the story.

I read the NYT article yesterday, which about broke my brain. I think this one finished the job. I don’t even know what to do next; moving onto a different story or just continuing my day seems wrong, somehow.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

It is not at all unusual to report accusations of crimes that are made to thepolice as they come out.

a prominent local defense attorney

Regardless of age? So pedophilia would be ok in your world? :/

All the men I’ve dated/been friends with are super emotional and fall in love quickly. In my experience, looking at all my girl friends, men want commitment faster than women. All my married friends had boyfriends who wanted marriage and babies in the first months and had to spend a lot of time convincing their female

You really want regardless of age in there?

They’re just called bachelors. It’s a positive thing, whereas a spinster is sad and lonely.

Been there. Am there. My cat says hi.

I remember the first time I saw this movie (born in ‘79) and when it ended I felt like I’d broken the fucking law or something. If anyone were to find out what I’d seen, I would be in a shit ton of trouble.

Not to nitpick (ok, to nitpick), Casper doesn’t decline the whippet. He does one and it’s hilarious. He says it’s gonna wake his brain up. Then Telly tells him he’s gonna be a vegetable when he’s older.

There are a few movies that are good, but you really only need to see them once. Requiem for a Dream, Bastard out of Carolina (Jena Malone crushes it and crushes your soul as you watch it) and Kids.

Saw it in the theater when it was released. We brought beer and weed; drank and smoked while we watched the movie. I miss my youth.

Rich is fucking pissed you wrote about this first. Everybody else is like, “big shit.”

Worst blind date movie ever.