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There is nothing to see here. President Obama has assured us that, “...there is no spying on Americans. There is no domestic spying program”.

The bottom line is that private corporations are going to have our data stored, which is something we freely give them consent to do. I really don’t see how anyone can have an expectation of privacy in any data that we freely sure with third party private companies. If you read your cell phone contract closely, you

It’s fucking pathetic.

The public would have an advocate at FISA court hearings

I found the ‘come hither’ finger motion was the best advice I ever got and teach it to every new partner I have. It’s like MAAAAGIC.

Oh memories of my first g-spot orgasm. So happy I was already laying down because my legs would have buckled. Thanks Jason M. from psych class, I am eternally grateful!!

Those photos are amazing. I totally agree with her about people with less advantages. I’ve had the “privilege" or running in both worlds for a while, rich and poor, and the differences in personality and, particularly, the difference in fortitude is amazing. (Poor4lyfe right here :p)

They don’t, the use of the facility is controlled by the stadium management company. City officials tried to get it out but their hands are tied.

When I was ten years old, I asked Betty Friedan, who was one of the very important people attending a conference for important people that I was too young to comprehend, if I could shake her hand. I told her: “I’m a feminist and you are too, and my mom says you’re very important to women and I want to be just like you

Matthew Lilliard - I don’t think he’s aware he’s a celebrity, he acts too much like a regular person. During press junket in NY, he freaked out over how much free food there was. It was so cool.

I’m happy to hear that about Matthew Lillard! I’ve had a crush on him for forever :-)

Well, Kenny Chesney holds his “hallmark summer concert” in my city every year and every year for about 5 straight let his fans completely trash the entire town. They shit & puke everywhere, pass out everywhere, destroy property, get arrested, get sick from partying, drive drunk etc. (Someone will die during this event

I’m just going to list all I have, good or bad.

Jewel was mean to my mom one time.

Encountered Sylvester Stallone who was going out to lunch with Jerry Bruckheimer, in a local pizza place. He was a total arrogant dickface. Being a huge fan of the Rocky Movies, it broke my heart.

I was broke and sitting in the Barney’s shoe section in Seattle waiting to try on a pair of shoes I couldn’t afford when Jewel swaggered by with a sales girl. She was moving slowly, looking around for a place to try on a pair of shoes. She obviously didn’t want to sit near me or anyone but I wasn’t going to leave and

I successfully used condoms for years to keep babies at bay. I don’t know why they get such a bad rap.

Yes, ditching birth control can be great and all, but all these women are now back on condoms as their only method of prevention, which is neither infallible (nor fun).