Interestingly the brain is a social organ. So while we're born with a very basic structure, the complex structure and functioning of the brain develops based on the experiences we have in relationships with others, particularly with those in our earliest years of life.
Nope, adolescence ends around 25-26. It is a legitimate concern of this study.
First off, lemme just say you started this debate with the wrong person, kid. This shit is my field of study, and I could write a book about it.
yeah men never let their emotions get the best of them, like getting in bar fights or punching holes in walls. those aren't things many men are known to do. men are emotionless rocks who make every decision from a stable, emotion-free place.
For evidence that the brain is a social organ and that the structure and function develops based on the relationships/experiences/environment see anything written by:
Let's also keep in mind that the brain is a social organ. Meaning its structure and functioning develops based on the relationships we have with one another, esp so in the earliest years of life. We pass different shit down to boys vs girls, in other words.
everyone is just so coked up and fabulous.
when I first read the Gwyneth blurb, I misread "presents" as "parents" and couldn't believe what a big deal she was making about something so obvious at 4 years old. then I re-read it and saw it was presents and wanted to punch a hole in the wall.
nope it's not true a lot. it's surely true sometimes. there are more bi guys who didn't use the label to "ease into" being gay than those like yourself who did.
ahahahaha yessssss! perfection. I heart you.
this is outrageous, and it's easy for (most) of us to be outraged by this, b/c the military is seen as this separate entity from our "real world". but this is a reflection of what happens in our world. we can't separate the two.
may I suggest this to us all:…
So the day after Thanksgiving (and not even anymore! The day of!), a holiday all about giving thanks and expressing gratitude for what we appreciate and cherish in our lives, turns into excessive spending, fighting, selfish, and violent Black Friday behavior. Not to mention the genocide of the Native Americans that we…
haha! so true
I agree that these things can be indicative of racism, but as a server, I gotta say that we can't control how fast the food comes out. If the kitchen messes up an order, or they're backed up, or some mistake happens back there, which is bound to happen every day, it messes up the order of how the food comes out, and…
It's common knowledge. It's Hollywood.
It's common knowledge. It's Hollywood.
I'm not painting a picture with earpieces like the one you described. I'm sure she is a funny person. That's why I said aspects of her public persona may fit well with aspects of her private personality. But it doesn't change the fact that the stories, the Oscar "fall", the cutsey shrugs and eyes rolls are coached.