
Ugh... I hope so too but am not optimistic. Started looking into it and apparently it's not just Ohio. At least 8 other states treat it differently (as in less severe punishment, less protection for victim, has to be defined as more violent, etc.) than non marital rape.

Marital rape is still legal in Ohio? Please tell me I'm misunderstanding...

Oh god...you're right. I never made that connection before. Ugh.


Yes!! Thanks for posting this one.

Thank you for this!!!

Yes! I second this.

Yes!!! A lot offensive.

I think there's some confusion about what I said about her ability to give consent. When I said "pretty hard for me to see how she could genuinely consent to anything" I didn't mean "she can never give consent to anything ever again"; I meant she didn't give genuine consent to anything he did due to her trauma

I am only bare bones familiar with Okin so you may need to say more about it if it applies.

How are you defining consent here? Pretty hard for me to see how she could genuinely consent to anything, given her abuse history and his blatant (though likely unconscious) exploitation of it, completely imbalanced power dynamics, and the lack of actual resources available to her.

seriously. thank you.

I heart you. Thank you.

Now playing

By all means, if you'd love to see the studies I referenced, please check them out! They're listed on my post, and many, if not all, of them are chock full of corroborating studies themselves in their own reference section, including the articles i posted as well. Here is another useful one:

You're welcome! I'm glad you found it useful, and I appreciate you taking the time you have to explain and debunk the myths of legalization. It all helps!

Have fun with these:

Legalizing sex work does not protect sex workers. It protects the adult men who sell (pimp) and purchase (johns) women and children for sex. (Yes, people of all gender identities are both pimps, johns, and prostituted persons, but men selling and purchasing women, and in particular, low income girls of color, is the