Star Wars Shadows of the Empire on N64 had the most absurd inputs for any cheat codes. You had to use your chin or nose or something to move the stick once you had the other buttons pressed properly.
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire on N64 had the most absurd inputs for any cheat codes. You had to use your chin or nose or something to move the stick once you had the other buttons pressed properly.
I'm not trying to be a snob but;
Can we move on as a society and drop the "deserves" slogan from every fuckin Batman related article posted? Please?
the text in the video said you get a trip to the Montreal studio, but the guy in the video SAYS that you just GET the studio.
The only reason my computer would weep is because of the ending. Hey-oh!
My post on his AMA on reddit. Yes I donate some chump change! But I wanted him to know...
The "Have a Wonderful day!" part really adds a nice touch to the casual misogyny.
You know, you could like...release the tools or hell, even a patch that allows people to play these games without being hooked up to the mothership. But no, instead of fostering goodwill with your customer base you decide on strengthening your campaign to win back 'Worst Company of the Year' for 2015. Well done EA,…
And there you have it. They made a mistake, they apologized and I can actually believe that it would be hard to patch something like this in since making relationships is a core part of the game itself.
Another quote from director Alex Graves:
At least there wasn't a random Godchild who basically goes 'because fuck you' ala Mass Effect 3. That bastard AI could control an entire armada of reapers but apparently couldn't activate a switch, tell the reapers to stop killing, or overload a transmitter by itself without requiring you to kill yourself in the…
Fuck Other M and everyone on its writing team. That game is a motherfucking disgrace to the entire Metroid franchise.
It's not Kotor 3. It is still not what I want.