Santa Rosalina is the best Rosalina. And the best Santa.
Santa Rosalina is the best Rosalina. And the best Santa.
Ugh. I was hoping it was the actual unfinished manuscript, and that it would be completed by his widow Eva Gabrielsson
Space princess Rosalina is joining the cast of Smash Bros. for the new game, to be released on 3DS and Wii U next…
And no shaky-cam or lense flares necessary to make these all fantastic
This song... you know the one
Yup, the Mac is least likely to crash!
That's why I kept getting the DLC. The story is hilarious.
I just want Kotor 3....
In any case, they will have that done before Half Life 3 comes out.
you're high.
I just killed the doctor, because there wasn't any choice. You walk up to him and the computer makes you kill him. I would have been fine with Joel simply picking up Ellie and walking away without harming them, I had killed enough already.