
But Pillars doesn’t have romance.

Dark Trooper. I'd like to see them do the Dark Trooper.

"You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?"

Game State #3. Game Boy.

Yeah, and I was one of them. But I don't think anyone wanted to stop the Reapers simply by either playing the Rodeo Bull Strength Tester, jumping off a platform or shooting at a pipe.

Well my expectations were already low when Mass Effect 3 was written, advertised and executed as a "SAVE THE EARTH" story. I must say, it really helped out a lot when it came to understanding just how much nonsense there was going on with ME3's story as a whole. They were playing to the fans' expectations (fighting

I think they would have rather cried in disappointment than rage in denial.

But we did get to see the Reapers. We saw a whole Reaper in the form of Sovereign during the first five minutes of the first game. We saw their influence over the Geth, we got to deal with their indoctrinated victims, we saw what they did to the Prothean race and how they were able to control them over incredible

Not saying they shouldn't be the point. Far from it. Think of it like this. The Reapers are coming, but it will take hundreds if not a thousand years for them to get here. You're a human who's life span is around 120 if they're lucky. How would Shepard as a character deal with the kind of scenario? My answer, get the

The Arrival DLC was made for one purpose and one purpose only. To explain why the Reapers are now suddenly in the galaxy when their original means of transportation (The Citadel) is now inaccessible… and it didn't do a good job. We're simply told that the Reapers would be arriving at a certain area of the galaxy and

Well, devoting the whole game to the "central premise" didn't really pan out that well. I'd like to think there's more to the Mass Effect universe than just the Reapers. If Star Wars can get away with telling stories that aren't focused on the Jedi or Force users, Mass Effect can certainly get away with telling a

Which in and of itself is kind of ridiculous. Are you really telling me that NOT using the Citadel as a means to invade the galaxy was only a two and a half year delay if they simply just strolled towards the galaxy from the start? Hardly sounds like a plan worth doing since you get the same results by simply using

To say that Bioware needed to handle the Reapers a "bit better" is a vast understatement. We're dealing with a cosmic entity that can disrupt the natural progression of an entire galaxy and leave little to no trace of their existence behind. What this idea does is present an opportunity to find out a little more of

Actually now that you've mentioned it, I did bring up in other discussions that in order for this idea to work, you would have to disregard "The Arrival" DLC from ME2. And given the DLC's reception, that wouldn't be a bad thing.

I'd say redo ME3 entirely. Keep some of your premise the same (Cerberus is a full-fledged enemy, the Quarians and the Geth conflict escalates) but don't involve the Reapers. When I played the first ME game, I never got the impression that Shepard would live to see the Reapers invade the galaxy. They would be too far

Are one of his powers the ability to render Samus completely stunned throughout the entire fight by just having her look at him?

"Did you know, Killer Instinct begin as a street punk themed fighter"

On behalf of the internet? The internet has shown support for Anita. What are you talking about?

He is interesting. He's powered by the Mass Effect 3 endings.

Appropriate since Mass Effect 3 is full of empty promises.