Joel White

Cool, I will have to check them out. Thanks for the tips!

I just finished reading a book where they use a matter transmission device to do all their building. Think of it like a 3d printer for anything you want. The Pattern Ship was the name of the book.


No problem, I just got diving certified about 2 years ago and was thinking either things have changed drastically, or I was confused.
Neat article by the way. Thanks for writing it.

That 55 foot depth must be a typo.

Thank you for that. It made my workday!

thank you for loving your herp so much.

Not until we get our own decent SciFi and fantasy shows again....


I still haven't finished this. I have my save at the last boss, and I have moved that save from ps1 to ps2 to ps3.

Sweet, lets hope they make it available for a decent price point.

I enjoyed it. There were issues, but I didn't go for a movie that made sense or even kept continuity between scenes. I went to see optimus kick butt and ride a dinobot.

Heh, I had a situation like that where I would have gone from SoCal to Australia. The position didn't go to me after a phone interview, and it didn't bother me much at the time.

Those moments are great to the developer, but not great for the masses. Also for as many awards games I have worked on have gotten, I have only "seen" one.

How about a little more info? Or a web page that has some information on it?

A fantastic way to think about it. Thanks for the comment.

wheels cost as much as the frame

Who is this? I don't read many comics.

There is no way to star this more than once. But in my head there are 1000 stars.

As a triathlete, I find it incredibly difficult to eat more than 4k cals a day, unless I add booze. There are some days (70+ mile days) I really wish I could get that 5k in but my body just doesn't want that much :)

Also your post makes me want to challenge you to become a triathlete. :)