
Wow it’s amazing you know all 1.3 billion of them to analyze their features.

Ok loser penguin, like the narrator said there’s plenty of fish, no need to get upset.

Yes possible, I’m sure they’ll reveal the mechanism soon. Something else I noticed is that Dolores is fully clothed when Bernard talks to her in private, but when Ford “pulled her out” she was naked.

I like your theory. I think the host can be accessed either way though, with remote access only done on Dolores so far in the show.

Person of Interest’s relationships between characters are so neat but yet complex, especially the way Root grew overtime and subtly building up her relationship with Shaw was so endearing.

It’s part of Google Play platform, you can buy/rent movies and watch it through youtube.


Quilted Northern Rustic Weave.

Quilted Northern Rustic Weave.

Wishing a land of over a billion people to get fucked by imperialists again and again sure is an interesting way to quell your anger...from a few business trips.

You killed my gun!!!

She’s going to get nerfed next season for sure.

I wish this is Pharah instead of D.VA.

“Justice rains from my mouth!”

It was dramatic but a cheap shot, if Ramsey shutdown Wun Wun during his door busting Ult it’d definitely be worth a PotG.

I didn’t know this existed, how do you enable this on iphone 6?

I agree, more than 1 hour gets boring.


I played against 5 McCrees as well over the weekend, in arcade mode so they had hilariously endless high noons. Before that it was a whole team of Roadhogs, which was a lot easier to deal with.

I think they may have to go with various destroyed Bastion parts + different kind of dead birds, so people don’t start foaming in their mouth when Bastion takes Play of the Game again.

You can say that Bran becomes one with Hodor’s giant dick.