Jesus Chrysler Supercar

wheres the gear hur durr

it wasn't earnhardt's fault the crash happened and nor was the crash itself stupid. The reaction by the general public and especially the media was as stupid as anything.

Everything's awesome! Waltrips leading! Brilliant finish! wait shit...

totally agree i got from chicago to dc on only 1.5 tanks in an 09 tdi without having to drive like a complete pansy

and it would be the cost of buying a passat every time the tires wear out

or the xj220 powered ford transit!

must've thought it was old country buffet

it ssems retro but just think of how cool and high tech it must have looked back in the early sixties

I'm pulling for the James bond Aston Martin db5

if you were there you could probabally hear all the other sounds associated with crashing besides engine noise i.e. frenchman cursing at oneanother

a fwd jeep for urbanites why?

I hate to rain on your parade guys but the 2 front vents look like naked mole rat teeth

For the vw bus to still be sold in Brazil under the kombi name is awesome!

One operator of these machines named Dave Cindrich uses the same machines to build single peice billet aluminum longboards. I own one and it is clearly inspited by the design of the engine block which is really cool. Take a look it's crazy!

1994 Camaro z28 - $800

1994 Camaro z28 - $800

1994 Camaro z28 - $800