
Ali did not dodge the draft. Dodgers fled the country, sought multiple deferments, feigned disabilities, or used friends in high places to avoid service. Ali stood before the draft board and articulated his objections clearly, and he was prepared to face prison time to uphold them. That is every bit as honorable as

“Boxing legend Muhammed Ali?”

Foolish move to play him considering his most famouse quote ever was,

Muhammad Ali is the reason why I took up boxing as a skinny, wide-eyed, 11 year old. He’s the same reason why I grew up believing it was ok to take a stand on social issues and embrace my blackness. I never met the man, but he’s mentored me from afar. Rest in Power.

history didn't know boxing would have about as long a shelf life as bear baiting, but Muhammad Ali in front of the draft board will exist as long as men have eyes

but it is a differing from normal human sexuality, which was evolved for the purposes of reproduction, i.e. male/female.

The problem with defining things by “normalcy” is that there’s nowhere to draw the line of deviation.

If someone likes you as a friend and wants to continue being friends with you even though they think you might be nursing a bit of a crush, that’s not htem “leading you on.” That’s them being a friend. And if you only want to be friends with someone because you’re waiting around like a vulture hopping they’ll

it is differing from what normal human sexuality should be.

It’s also bullshit because the person who is supposedly a “friend” actually has ulterior motives i.e. sexy times.

Nope. “The Friend Zone” is a horrible term that should be purged from the English language. Not only does it often lead to the “you owe me” issue that ariesdragon123 mentioned, but there’s also the fact that it 1) misdiagnoses the issue [It’s not that she doesn’t see you as a possible romantic partner because you’re

It amazes me that a) so many men are perfectly okay with being portrayed as animals who can’t be expected to control themselves and that b) nobody seems to see that as a reason they shouldn’t be in charge of anything/everything.

Actually, a number of poor states are essentially subsidized by wealthier states through the federal government, paying less in taxes than they receive in services—e.g., it’s not “money handed BACK to the people who gave it”. I would not be surprised if Kansas is one. You want to give money “back” to people who paid

By and large it’s not money that’s handed back to people. More often than not the states espousing “smaller government” collect less in state revenue and make up the difference by collecting federal revenue. That federal revenue comes from somewhere, which is usually bigger, wealthier states. For example, in 2014,

You need to check out what’s going on in Kansas.

He’a going to lose this and lose this hard, which is what they want. This bathroom bill is just a smoke screen. The really terrible meat of the bill makes raising the minimum wage in the state illegal and strips a ton of LBGT rights away, such as housing protection and medical care.

This is what I’m picturing. Do not correct me if I’m wrong.

I expected it to last longer and be more substantial

I think Kerry Washington said it best we she said (paraphrasing) that it’s not that we don’t want people to see our race, we don’t want people to judge us based upon our race.

I disagree, for a simple reason: You are not disadvantaged due to racial identification if that identification is something you can walk away from at any time.