Spite. Pure, triple-distilled, concentrated spite.
Think about all those other lives that could have been saved with all those heart transplants. Isn't this what death panels are for? Thanks Obama.
I have a real question for the Virginia Woolf scholar:
Homegirl faked it too hard. She oversold it and he was willing to believe the lie.
I hope she just literally peed on him because he’s the worst.
I would comment on the nature of his article itself, but I knew he was a world class bullshitter when he humble-bragged that on his very first trip to the snackateria, he managed to make his partner squirt.
I'm also calling bullshit. For as long as I've been aware I've had genitals, my minora has tried to steal the spotlight from the majora. THERE ARE NO BIT PARTS WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR BITS
We need a nicer term than “roast beef curtains.” Pleasure drapes? Vagina Valance?
spandex burger
Long labia haver here. I have never not once felt uncomfortable with my crotchal area in yoga pants. Literally everyone in my yoga class is packing a spandex burger. Doesn't matter.
Here’s a cool idea that I’m really into: Wearing whatever the fuck I want and feeling damn fine in whatever clothes I do or do not feel like covering my naked ass with. Addendum to my very cool idea: Not giving a shit what anyone else is or is not wearing, and loving the fact that they and I are able to be happy with…
“We find that a large number of our clients don’t understand what’s happening to their bodies or their developing baby.”
If states can pass laws forcing actually LICENSED MEDICAL doctors to tell their patients about non-abortive options and tell them all about the fetus and show them a goddamn picture even when they specifically don’t want to know/hear/see because “women deserve to be informed,” then there’s no reason that these…
“Their rights to free speech are being violated” LMAO. Listen, you cockknockers, a right to free speech doesn’t give you the right to lie to patients, nor is it violated by you being forced to tell your patients what it is that your so-called crisis pregnancy center actually does and does not do. Them suing the…
Are these CareNet people going to require that abortion providers detail all the risks of going THROUGH with a pregnancy? Things like, I don’t know, a higher risk of death? Post partum psychosis? Even the more “mundane” stuff like the pain of childbirth and varicose veins. Oh, and winding up with a kid you have to…
Ya know, I believe lying can have spiritual consequences....
and this same cohort of dumbfuckery likes to pass laws that force actual medical doctors to LIE, and interfere with women in every way.
Because women haven’t been conditioned to believe they are owed men.
It just saddens me because there are so many women out there who feel rejected or lonely or sad because they’re single but I have never met a woman who managed to take “I’m sad because I’m single” to the conclusion, “Men are the problem for rejecting me and I must take violent revenge on them.” There are examples of…