
The only thing that's scary about Germany is the fact that 40% of the hospitals are Catholic.

Thanks for being a responsible adult and understanding the kids in your classroom!

Living in Idaho (not even near the place this happened) has made facebook incredibly intolerable today. My feed is about 10% "Boise State will win the Fiesta Bowl because they've won it before," 2% "What a horrible senseless thing to happen I hope that the family can recover," and 88% "Great now we have to hear about

My immediate thought. That poor boy is going to have to live with this and it's not at all okay that he should have to.

They are not all in the same. Did she have the safety on? Why was the gun loaded? Why was her purse next to her toddler who had access to her firearm, instead of over her shoulder where only she would have access? Yes, you can responsibly own a firearm. BUT - you have to be responsible. You have to be aware of

Oh my god that tumblr. And all those idiots saying the creators just hate stick and pokes because they're 12. No, the (sane) adults in the room think they're stupid, too. And dangerous, and almost universally shitty looking.

This is a seriously horrifying thing that these idiots are promoting. "Hey everyone let's all get disfiguring skin infections with a risk of death from a staph infection gone wrong!"

If you are a grown adult who gives her/himself a stick-and-poke tattoo, I say you deserve everything bad that can happen to you as a result.

My third grade teacher to the entire class as we were practicing for the Christmas concert, "You brats better be louder than that or your parent's will stop giving you gifts as Santa and you won't get all the things on your greedy little lists."

The best I got was, "We have Harry Hanukkah, but he's not really real either." My family was pretty straight up with childhood ruining honesty.

My very Jewish fiancé started telling his elementary school classmates that Santa wasn't real - after they made fun of him for refusing to sing Christmas carols in their public school music class. I never could figure out which side of the ethical line that fell on.

Easiest way to learn Santa doesn't exist: be Jewish.

As a non-Christian I never believed in him. Or any fairytale/mythical creature* (looking at you toothfairy). No one ever told me he was or was not real. I just knew. And my parents told me not to be a dick about it to other kids. I'd just listen to them prattle on about Santa and it was all I could do to not roll my

Ugh, Santa is the goddamn worst. I don't think I ever believed in him (I was always too good at finding Christmas presents hidden in the back of closets or the attic). But it's a bullshit idea anyway. My parents worked incredibly hard to have things to give to us on Christmas, so it only seems fair that they should

It wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't bragged about it so much. It seemed to be more of a humble-brag post about how churchy and "spiritual" the parents are, than about the kids.

I second the "doing things differently this year" rebranding. Come on, calling it "cancelled Christmas" still puts the focus of the holiday on receiving gifts, which they have apparently cancelled. Oh no Christmas is ruined because we need to give to the poors this year!

I look forward to next year when she cancels Canceled Christmas because she realizes all the attention she brought on herself made her ego grow three sizes. There are millions of people who donate time and money to charity and instill gratitude and a lack of entitlement in their kids & then don't seek attention for

Just do it. When arranging play dates just say:

Maybe this is my impractical preggo brain thinking crazy talk, but mothers of Jezebel - is there a way that I can tactfully tell parents of my future children's friends that if their kids aren't vaccinated, they can't play with my kids? Mostly because I don't want a younger not-yet-inoculated sibling to get sick, but

you should 100% be allowed to not vaccinate...and that should require you to give up your ability to send them to public school...right now the barrier is filling out a form. Such a joke.