
OMG she is adorable. I'd totally keep her. Grrrrrrrr to those who would just cast her aside.

I agree, this just seems wrong. It should be turned into a Global Heritage Sight. Most people have enough decency to not sunbathe in a graveyard... or perhaps they don't.

Jesus gets the Great Gif Award!

OMG that's beautiful. Why he would even attempt it is unbelievable. I honestly probably would've just assumed it was dead and I was powerless to do anything else but to dispose of the remains. Unbelievable.

I deleted my Facebook account a few years ago. Haven't looked back since. I also just deleted my Google account which to me is an even bigger threat. I suggest everyone do the same.

That really is incredible. Talk about stressful though. With my luck it would slide off the barge flip and sink to the bottom. I couldn't watch... without a drink in my hand :)

I couldn't imagine what it's like to be on a plane and hear someone ask for a doctor... and then if anyone can fly a plane. I'd probably die. Super glad it all worked out though.

That animated GIF is the worst. God I can't even look at it. I don't even know what the article was about it was so bad.

You know... it's really not that impressive. He was only able to use 22 seconds of the 20 minute ride because the rest of the time was spent cleaning the doodee out of his drawers.

Other then my iMac, which I swear was a lemon, most of the systems out now are fast enough to do whatever you need them to do. There's no such thing as slow really, just levels of fast... for what I use it for at least. At home I have the entry level 15" Macbook Pro Retina which I love. The Mac Pro is considerably

That place has some seriously conflicting feng shui. You can sense it in the photos it's so bad. No thanks!

I just got a MacPro at work and I can honestly say it's not C4 worthy. My previous iMac on the other hand I would cake in the stuff and light the fuse myself... in the office. Wow that would work better then 3 o'clock coffee.

Plant! Thanks for pointing out the typo... I was wondering if someone would ;)

He clearly loves his dog and wants to share the experience with him. He has no fear in the situation for either himself or the pup. Whether or not the dog WANTS to do it... well that's a different story.

OMG I WANT ONE. Do toys'r'us sell them?

E.T. was adorable but I never found his legs to be overly practical. I hated how he waddled everywhere. He would have been cuter if he had arms like Sebulba from Star Wars.

I've never seen pollen like that before. Normally it's invisible and just annoying the heck out of my allergies. What makes it flammable and what plan does it come from? So many questions.

I've been driving for quite a while now and have never witnessed anything worth having a dash cam for. I think that's the moral of the story. Don't have a dash cam and everything will be fine LOL

That's horrific. It looks like there are a few factors at play in this video, all of which lead to one conclusion... stay the hell out of Brazil!

This little cutie has the right pace.