Jason Funderburker

HA! Wow I would love to know what your favorite games are. I'm assuming Shadow of the Colossus and Bioshock are also overrated?

Because The Last of Us thats why

I cannot even believe people are talking crap about this right now. Will anything make you insatiable pigs happy?

This was competitive. They said it before they showed the trailer.

I'm confused by your confusion in this post. How did you think it was going to be something different? Metal Gear Online was in MGS4 and served the same purpose. That's why this is called MGO3

Actually Uncharted 2 is not possible on a PS2 among many many other titles. The ability to run numerous things on-screen without any hiccups is something last gen had a WAY bigger upper hand on than PS2 gen

I dont think a game counts as next-gen if it's able to run on last gen consoles

Thats why I said Big Publishers instead of AC ;)

"Hey let's introduce this rated M game franchise to kids"

Good because that's fucking unacceptable.

Beat's design has always reminded me of Les Rythmes Digitales. I swear they took inspiration from it. But also this is the 90s we're talking about.

I just cant betray Media Molecule. Reviews would say otherwise but I could DEFINITELY tell a difference in the Vita version's design compared to MM working on it. It felt like more of a chore than actual fun, which is what I'm worried this one might be. Unless someone feels the same as me and legitimately enjoys this

I didnt like how FC3 forced you to kill and skin animals if you want to upgrade shit. I know this sounds very PETA of me but I didn't particularly enjoy skinning panthers and leopards and tigers. Call me old fashioned.

Neverhood was a big part of my childhood

I appreciate the clever response, but I've bought every game in this series since yellow version to X & Y. They have not changed a thing to the formula in 16 years

"Pokemon hasnt changed a single damn thing in their game formula in twelve years"


I love these responses

Last time a movie was made where the director was a "big fan" of the source materail. We were given The Last Airbender.........................................................................

I like the idea of Megaman being a kid with a dog companion