How to draw Destiny really really good
How to draw Destiny really really good
That doesnt mean Spider-Man 3 wasnt one of the worst superhero movies ever. The old films dont hold up in our modern superhero movie society. They're too cheesy
3 Reasons why Amazing Spider-Man is pretty okay
I would watch the crap out of this. It has a Wreck-it-Ralph feel
Honestly Black & White were the most forgettable games. Normally I would have agreed with this, as I think Pokemon peaked at Platinum, but damn they just keep bringing out worse and worse games
I really love this but at the same time hate this because it's kind of a Nintendo move.. JUST LET ME HOOK UP MY VITA TO A TV
Suing people makes you totally un-cool
Is this his plan to appeal to the Jimmy Fallon audience
Yeah because Dark Pit fits all those criteria
Muh Boi
Well I do know that Playstation's d-pad has always been pressure sensitive and acts no different from the analog sticks but Nintendo might not have that tech in theirs
I mean technically isnt there just a D-pad underneath the circle pad inputing those directional functions?
Walking - move
You can still do them, it's just not efficient
Dont listen to anything anyone says. Brawl lets you use the D-pad with a regular wii remote. They have no excuse nor does anyone else
(Woah what this is a damn good deal I get all of that and more for just spending $100 on PSN?!)
Literally and figuratively
Playstation Home is on PS4 though. It's called Destiny