
Um... the Souls series is Japanese.

They took 14 from a broken ass mmo and re-released it as one of the most solid mmos since burning crusade Wow. Have faith. Be sceptical, but have faith.

Mad Men just flew right by you ey;)?

Rest in peace in peace indeed

So glad you added Grave of the Fireflies, and even more so Letters from Iwo Jima. It blew me away and made me realy apreciate Eastwood as a director... Then Flags of our father happened. It is interesting to see these films back to back (like I did) and remembering they are from the same mind. Flags felt like

It's not Miyazaki, a show, nor is it "Graveyard" :P

yeah that shit is dumb as hell. My sister is a photographer and flipped out at this “Selfie” competition last summer, where 40% of the pictures where taken by a third party /facepalm...

Firstly, the director of the last few FFs was literaly IN LOVE with the main heroine, even going so far as increasing her bust size...

Never played MGS have you:P?

Why do I think Hideo Kojima directed that movie...? :O

The reason Brotherhood was so good was because it IS the manga. It is 1-1. (not the first epsodes, them being rushes for lack of nessesaty to retell the start)

OP fillers are mostly fine troughout the show, the G8 arc and some of the one-off episodes ranging from great to ok . The padded scenes and slower pace is killer and super obvious though, starting around water 7...

So you agree, it's a final fantasy-ass final fantasy game;)

Kaguya was breathtaking, and the Ronja show, based on just the first episode I saw, looked to be both wonderfull and very true to the Book and <Movie I grew up with.

On the whole "don't know what to do next":

God.....this is old. First discussion I ever had about japanese animation, and most over-done to this day.

Where is Fay Valentine....?

Took a wrong turn at the danger zone, ended up in uncanny valley.

correct, the short story was first released here as part of a book named "Nowegian folk-tales" a collection of short-stories...