
I think he's cosplaying as Adobe.

I was really expecting the dad to be confused and through out a, "But we already have a Wii!" so that the kids could then explain that Wii U is a new, more powerful console. They'll get it someday.

Better than just telling the userbase to "deal with it" I suppose. At least they're making an effort to look like they care.

They are getting real good at appearing to be candid.

It's way more than a semi-sequel. It's almost like a remix. There's a LOT taken from Link to the Past, from the map to the dungeon names to (some of) the bosses.

I gotta say, if I had an Xbox 360 and it broke down a second time, I'd probably switch to Playstation for the next gen.

"We can’t just flip a switch to turn off DRM. The console was built around it." ~Director of Programming for Xbox Live

"It's too bad the majority of the community is too dense to comprehend what we were doing, and just mindlessly bash it with mob mentality and ignorance" ~Microsoft

"It's too bad we had to remove that always online DRM." ~Microsoft

I love it.

XBox One reveal, it's a DRM riddled mess and everyone freaks out.
Microsoft backtracks and says no, no you misunderstood, we'll change it, it'll all be okay.
People preorder it.
The very first unit to arrive in someone's house is remotely disabled by Microsoft almost immediately. This is the exact thing people

I don't see why it was banned in the first place. The guy paid for his console and his game, it was target that fucked up by shipping it early. I understand msoft doesn't want him posting things to the internet but they should really be going after target, not some guy who got extremely lucky. Now he has to wait two

If you're following the brouhaha over the guy who got an Xbox One early and was then banned by Xbox Live, Major Nelson has since reached out via Twitter, and has said "his console will not be permabanned." See the link for the latest update.

I would hope not. What did he do wrong besides get lucky?

500 gigs, at around 22-25 gigs per game means your HDD is full after around 25 games, and that's not including any apps, movies, demos, etc etc you install.

But don't worry, they'll sell you an external HDD for a "deal" I'm sure...

Yeah it's so weird that people enjoy structurally similar and beautifully executed action puzzle games with charming characters and a fun world on a biannual basis.

Fascinating. I'll alert the media.

aaaand cue the "TV TV TV" xbone presentation.

"We built a platform for gamers....."

I'm sure this post will be deleted, as was my original post calling out your hypocrisy in the wake of stories like Amanda Bynes'. Was it because so many readers agreed with me? I guess I learned a lesson today: free speech ok on Jezebel, except for opposing opinions and honest criticism. Sad.

Can we please talk about how she's not wearing a bra? How did her people/Oprah allow that? The first 10 minutes of this interview should have been Oprah taking her to a bra fitting. Maybe I'm just picky because I finally did that a couple weeks ago, but her boobs need support. How can we trust her to stay clean if