We should make Jay Z play LAX. That would be great.
We should make Jay Z play LAX. That would be great.
And I thought I was the only one he knew about the Majesty of Craig! Great article! Thanks for the laughs....sucks that he's leaving =[
Has to be in Florida.... -_____-
Ouch. I'd hide in a roadside ditch after doing that.
Their personalities don't seem right in this script.
D.C. has it pretty rough. And Marlins are only 40-ish because we pay our players shit.
I'm sweating.
I think Fergie did could have managed for longer but he would never manage another team after he's been with United for so long. He knew where his aging stars were going. Rio and their back line have been showing his signs of aging for a while (or just loss of form) and Fergie probably wanted to leave on a high. It…
Imitating the pros. Just like the flopping.
Better flopper than any of the pros. This is what we teach 'em nowadays.
Maybe she thinks so. But if she claims to have had sexual relations with Colin, why would there be a need for a drug? I don't get into these things too much but this one seems weird.
Wow. Now that is very impressive! Great job on both the Boca Bitch and South Beeotch. Nailed it (intended pun? maybe!).
Do people have fun around you when you hang out? I don't know why I get the impression that they don't
This is probably a formality for the hospital. She needs to tell doctors/nurses what happened; it was all suspicious so the hospital may have contacted police. What you see is not a charge but an incidence report. There's no sign as to whether the "victim" is pressing charges or not, which leads me to wonder why they…
I think he was well off the track when taking the steering wheel off.
Wow. I wish everybody receiving hate can react to it in this manner. Well done, Honey Maid.
Ummm.....looks like he did in the article.
It seems as if no one even cares.