not surprising
not surprising
this needs more stars!
Something I do not miss. At all. from working in the food industry. And I know it doesn't stop with the tipped server. I think it's a problem with the industry in general. Probably because people know it's one of the lowest paid, so they feel free to treat you as they please.
i realize this might be more Saturdaymorning musings but I have a burning question for you.
Thanks for your advice, you're absolutely right. If I just moved out it would be a brash decision, made out of frustration.
We have tried in the past but they only clear records through a governors Pardon. Never got a reply. The law here is you have to wait 5 years after the end of your probation for your record to clear. Which says a lot about rehabilitation in our justice system- Its no wonder a lot of people turn to crime again.
i dont agree with what was suggested, but that other guy was unnecesarily rude, which is why he got dismissed. Your post is still there.
Thank you so much for your reply. It really isnt easy when you feel torn - Its only fair to help someone who has helped you, but sometimes the responsibility is too much, or the person youre caring for can get grumpy and aggressive, theres really so many Things to deal with. And the kicker here is that grandpa still…
It was never my intention to be a "freeloader": we are living here because no one else un his family will take that kind of responsibility. He doesn't pay any of our bills either. All 3 of us live in a tiny room, and lately it's been so tense (he is sometimes yells at me when things are not done the way he likes it)…
Ill have to look into it.
Hello all! This is my first time posting on Saturday Night Social. Yay!
I always buy jumbo sized underwear. Its not my fault I have a heavy Flow and a wide set vagina!
I was with you until you were rude.
Nope. During the Expansionist period in the 18th century the US Army was deployed multiple times to wipe out Indians fighting to keep their land. A little before that, Jackson's opportunistic attack on the Seminole Indians. You bringing up Hawaii really takes the cake though. It was basically a corporate take over…
Yeah but what about the Expansionism period??? Can't blame that one on disease.
Not every other country does it under the pretext of ushering in progress and democracy, which is what the US still does to this day. At least Columbus was up front with his intentions.
because the US has a history of claiming Land that doesnt belong to them. Places such as Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Native American nations, and many others.
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "eat a bowl of dicks."
Grapefruits suck anyway. They're just really bitter oranges.