
Glad that you're not hosting the awards... "Wow, your chatbot is dumb. Nobody really recognizes this stuff anyways.... But hey - you won - so congratulations!"

How in the world is Banzai still in business? They constantly misrepresent. It is all over the internet how much they do. Annoying and WRONG

Here's my understanding of Flickr...

"I'm here to tell you that you should watch this stock carefully - cuz it's going down... down... DOWN! and this other stock here is nice - it's up .00 OH OHHHH OHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

For the most part... The phones and the controls I need and want are not there. Nor the savings.

Uh, yeah - you must've missed where I said I wasn't a smarty pants. I mean - I did well in HS and fairly well in college - but you lost me at "incorrect." :) From there you went into making my brain hurt with things I can't even comprehend.

I am no smarty pants by any means.... but I already see 2 things wrong with this logic.

Why do I get the feeling Steve Jobs himself could play Jobs and it wouldn't be good enough?

"Hey - What's up?"

There is a calling here for a whole new area of law. People who are internet savvy and know law. They should be able to write something up so that the innocent user that comes across images of child porn unknowingly doesn't get wrongly punished, while the not so innnocent user who goes purposely looking for stuff -

Having the green screen allows them to show more and fill the screen more. A local station by me went to a giant touchscreen, and then stopped. Its better to use the green screen.

I went to a public school and heard of it.

You would hope its melodramatic. In reality - in todays times - many relationships have been destroyed because of a change in sexual orientation. Especially if it appears hidden.

While I don't know specifically about this - I agree with the bottom line here. Google is forcing things on people.

I hope neither one of those guys has a Aaron Rodgers Draft where they're hanging out for 28 picks, after being expected to go to very high. :)

Where's the android love? I just don't understand MS some days. There's a Hotmail app for android, but no messenger app... There's a messenger app for iOS, but no hotmail app. But you have a OneNote app for both? Now this?

What you just said is a mouthful. I have soooo many contacts that I want synced, but every time I sync with another service... All my contacts from there come with, and I just DON'T NEED THEM! Facebook - I don't need all my friends on my phone! Yahoo, AOL - I don't need all my buddies from chat rooms on my phone!