
Yes... but is this crash "insane?" Not really. And Gizmodo does cover lots of stuff about the flying car. There are several flying cars at Oshkosh - nothing covered. New technologies at airventure - nothing covered. Even new gadgets for flying - nothing. That was my point. I'm not mad - just seemed random... and

This is the world's busiest airport for this one week out of the year. Literally thousands of takeoffs and landings every day. Thousands of planes parked and camped out for a week. Daily airshows and fly-bys. And hardly ever an accident.

Not to mention great cases like the "BookBook" that you featured.... You can store your card right in there!

Keep all your cards at one time? There's an app for that!

Holy Crap... Had a deep thought towards the end of this... He mentions at about 9:15-9:30 or so... "If you want something random - take two simple elements and watch them interact.

Isn't IMAP kinda messy and weird? Calendar and Contacts work the same???

Come to think of it... When's the last time you got a fast food item that looked just like the ad or picture on the menu??? Maybe Culver's... but certainly not McD's, BK, A&W, Taco Bell....

I have seen reviews about Banzai's products before. All their pictures are done like this. It's all over the web. I agree - they should be BANNED! That's just wrong.

Although - I will say.... just noticed the "rant" tag... That's a great tag. I think maybe we could do the same... just label a "rant" first. Although - there is also troll ranting... Grr.

Might be time for a reposting of the rules? I've been bothered enough by some postings that I'd hate to comment and get banned. And, yes - I see the "community policy" link... but what about a first time visitor, or someone that rarely visits and may not even see the comments?

I don't have labels. I don't use them. Need to start using them as my work email is thru Gmail. Not being used to Gmail, and used to Outlook.... this will be a change.

Yesterday, and everyday for the last several months to over a year... Yahoo is my main email, but I do get email on my Gmail and my Hotmail... plus my new job is using Gmail's email... and it's the same on there.

I DO use the "dumbass" native iPhone email client! Don't turn this into an Android/iPhone war... I love my iPhone - and it works better than any Android. That's not the problem.

I've said it before - I'll say it again. Gmail has great powers, but horrible UI. For people to switch requires a learning curve. No more column headings... No more folders.... And it doesn't behave very well with an iPhone - even with Active Exchange. I get a crapload of folders and don't even know how it all works

Was this taken in a bar? No? Then not the iP5. LOL

The new category/tag headers - looks nice in the "top stories" view... "Blog View" - it's a bit odd. But I'll live.

When there is a reply - you'll actually see a difference. On the comments area, you'll see when there is one. It will say something along the lines of "see 1 reply" in the lower right corner of the comment.

1.5 Million to build a RAINBOW??? This is what's wrong in our country.

I was going to put a comment - but I forgot it.

I'm naming my kid Steve Jobs.