Was this at Fremont assembly?
Was this at Fremont assembly?
I just picked up a vita to play Persona 4 and other such games and I really like the thing there is potential. I was playing metal gear solid on it and it was great because I could simulate the r2 and l2 with the touchscreen.
I don’t find mobas appealing but I really like the lore they come up with.
Though that is true games that are fast paced action really suffer from being limited to 30fps since motion blur doesn’t happen naturally within games it has to be simulated. A could look fine one moment then clunky and immersion breaking once the action starts.
I’ve always had genarlly good transactions at game strores so none stand out.
I must have one, gonna search for old econolines now.
So MS gets off becuase this was through an ad agency rather than official reps?
This calls for a detailed comparison, when can we expect that article Jason?
Man I almost bought and Audi allroad with blown out air suspension thinking “ I could fix that” I’m glad I didn't.
i know right, i did qualify that with “doing their job”
We don’t need more surveilance here in San Jose we need more cops so they can do normal police work.
Now if only I could get fallout 3 to stop crashing every time I encounter multiple enemies I could enjoy it for more than 45 minutes at a time.
I hope it’s got a good mix of people and machines because that is what really makes these movies compelling to watch.
That is what I came here to do.
Here in CA you get a court date with a ticket and an officer wrote me up on one bogus charge, driving on the wrong side of the road, the other was a fix it ticket and I wasn’t about to pay the first one.
What conference? I'll look it up.
Now if only they would officially support it for PC, I would love all the hotkey possibilities.
Everyone thinks that because I have to work on my Jeep that I enjoy it and should also enjoy working on their cars.
At 2:30 on the video, limo driver says “did you see me?” this guy might seriously think the train could have stopped in time.