This is great, I do a little reloading after work or generally cleaning up and I just feel better afterwards.
This is great, I do a little reloading after work or generally cleaning up and I just feel better afterwards.
I’m kinda bummed at there might be a set character, I’ve got a couple characters on Skyrim and one is a big khajeet that always has an ample amount of salmon in my inventory.
Since I drive a 1989 jeep Cherokee it would take a magical horse and hoof job to get an accurate fuel gauge that doesn’t go from empty to 3/4 full with only 5 gallons.
Are captains chairs an option and is there a good spot to store guns?
Yup, just smog but if any aftermarket part on your engine is not accompanied by a Carb certification number it is an automatic failure.
I’ve only every gotten chrome to use 4gb at one time and that was a shit load of tabs.
I didn’t exactly quit but I havent played DS1 in over 6 months because I just suck at games with difficulty I guess.
Rember your face shields everyone. I would post the shot of the bloody abrassion that has left a 3 inch scar on my face, starting just a half inch below my left eye, but I bet no one wants to see that. Lesson learned the hard way.
I saw a 240sx on CL a few weeks ago with what the owner called “cut knuckles” to stance is which the seller was convinced made it handle great which was apparent by the scrapes down both sides of the car. I really wish I had taken a screen cap of that post.
I don’t see how a cheap shot at the all the crazy backlash this series has gotten turns the whole thing into an agenda piece.
But even that can get tedious with some alternate versions of characters, or some stories moved to a different universe after the fact.
Since I have only gotten into comics recently, a little over a year ago, I quickly gave up on knowing the whole backstory of any character I am interested in since it isn’t needed most of the time. When secret wars was about to come out I just asked the people at my local comic shop what was a good place to get the…
Yeah my ‘88 jeep has religiously fails smog every two years. First it needed the intake/exhaust gasket replaced, then the catylitic converter the the second time and finally I think the egr valve is sticking this time I haven’t really looked at it since I failed in November. You gotta love Ca.
I just started watching SNAFU last night and almost couldn’t stop.
I too speed over potholes, speed bumps and hyundias in my jeep becaise I feel bad that I don’t go offraoding all that often, it’s been over a year now. The only exception is when my passengers insist they don’t want there heads smashed into the roof or my back is hurting me.
Let’s not forget the money you’ll pay if you want to own the series, since it’s distributed by Aniplex, expect to pay $60 for per bluray volume.
Valve came up with a half assed plan to monetize modding in Skyrim and people flipped, so instead of fixing it and ignoring the crazies they dropped it. Does anyone really think the workshop marketplace wasn’t going to be a pile of crap in a few months anyway?
Wow from Chesko’s post it seem like valve is okay with using other modders assets if they release them for free.