
OK, I shall tell you the epic tale of the cheese. Prepare thine self for a tale most adventurous.

I picked up Xenoblade last night (also some cheese, but that's not important). I only got to play about half an hour last night, but so far I'm liking it. It looks great for a Wii game, and the combat system is really fun. The incredibly British voice acting is kind of nice too, it's just something different, and that

"Square is completely worthless. "

You just gave me flashbacks of Cat Mario.

It taught me that dads are pointless. An important life lesson.

"I have two daughters and there have been plenty of times where they say 'hey dad, can you help me with this game?' With New Super Mario Bros. U, we've made it so anybody can jump in and help out."

Why do they keep talking about Nintendoland? Who is it even aimed at? I love Nintendo stuff, I even have a shelf dedicated to Yoshi stuff, and this game looses even my interest.

Wait, does this mean that all games run at 60 fps normally? That would be pretty awesome.


When this guy was on stage, good things were happening. As soon as he left it all fell apart.

Dang, he got the Nintendo one out fast.

The main character is actually Bill Cosby.

Why would they not show this in the during the conference? It's a new IP, it's from a good dev, and the stylized graphics should be appealing to both hardcore gamers and kids. It would would have been a perfect demo.

I found them on Neogaf. I'm willing to bet that they are also on JJ's Ask Princess Molestia tumblr, I'll check once I get home from work.

Well, this has certainly been a terrible E3.

Where the heck is Iwata?

Where are my megatons?

That Lego game lets you tackle clowns, I'm sold.

I just want F-Zero. That's really all I want out of this.

A wild Tara Strong appeared!