
There does seem to be quite a bit of crossover between Transformers and Pony fans, so that doesn't really surprise me at all. Besides, G1 Starscream couldn't beat anything, everyone knows that. Put Rainbow Dash up against the Prime or Animated Starscream and it would be a much more even fight.

I think the real question is, what do they consider playing "all day"? I'm sure for some people, playing all day means only a few hours, while for others it means 10+ hours. If all you are doing is playing games, than yeah, that's a problem, but if you are only playing a few hours a day, but your significant other

Secret, but fun!

I've swapped back and forth for awhile now. My last card was a Radeon 5770, and my current one is a GeForce GTX 570. My advice is just go with the one that has the best performance at the price you want. ATI used to have worse drivers, but they are mostly on par now, close enough that I wouldn't worry about it now.

The faded page happens to me quite a bit. Though the most annoying problem is that on my work PC it keeps switching back to traditional view instead of blog view. I didn't have this problem until about a week ago.

The only advice I can give is don't let the stress get to you. Stressing out doesn't help solve your problems at all, it just makes you feel bad. Just try to focus on one issue at a time, and do what you can to fix it. Focus on the other problems when the time comes.

Now playing

The last episode of Powerpuff Girls gave us this gem of a song. Enjoy.

I've learned that if it exists, there's pony of it. I don't know who out there is making all these crossovers, but none of it surprises me anymore.

Metalstorm. It was a late release NES most people ignored, but it's one of the best games for the system. If you liked VVVVVV it has a very similar gravity switching mechanic, but with more robots and explosions. It's also notible for pulling off parallax scrolling on the NES, despite the fact that the system was not

Nvidia's new drivers allow you to use FXAA from the control panel, now I can final have anti-aliasing in all those games that MSAA didn't work with. Take that you stupid jagged lines! Now if only they would give us better supersampling controls.

Yeah, it's from a 3D printer. It's got a bit of a rough finish to it. I could probably sand it down to smooth it out a bit, but it really doesn't bother me.

The problem is that they put so many Bumblebees in the case, and now they are just sitting on the shelf and stores don't want to get in new shipments. The same thing happened with the Dark of the Moon toys, I don't know why Hasbro hasn't learned by now.

Now playing

For those of you who missed it 4 years ago, now's your chance to back in the genius that is Lasagna Cat.

Try it with a different cable. If it still happens they try the monitor on a different PC, or try the PC with a different monitor.

Sadly no, but I'm able to provide that myself. :)

Here's a comparison between the two Vehicons. The first edition is on the left. It doesn't look bad, but there is an awful lot of kibble. The PRiD version on the right folds most of the car shell into his legs, so he has almost no kibble.

My custom Vinyl Scratch came in today. It's awesome, but it makes me a bit sad that the official toys aren't better.
