Here, just in case you ever needed an unauthorised audiobook adaptation of the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie (via Attract Mode).
Here, just in case you ever needed an unauthorised audiobook adaptation of the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie (via Attract Mode).
No you shouldn’t but it is there if you want it. Kinda like most things in life, it wasn’t handed to you but if you have an interest you can explore it.
It is. You just have to make the effort in reading and looking things up like you know, a book.
Clamp anatomy, son. >_>
Destiny. Superior gunplay.
LOL. Troll harder, bro. Cheers.
And there are a shit-ton of people who will back me up as well. Bungie’s live streams for future destiny content tend to start at 200k viewers. That’s almost a quarter a million people who took time out of their day to watch a live stream because they are interested in what is coming next for a video game. The only…
I think it started out “OK,” transitioned to “good” somewhere around House of Wolves, and with the upcoming changes, will most likely be “great.” So yes, perhaps it’s not “great” quite yet, but I sure has hell have had a crapton of fun with it over the past year!
“Marty, we’d like to talk about your budget. Do you really ne-”
Except that is has never been “crappy”. It has improved, but it has never been a bad game. Also, paying for the expansions is far less than paying $15 a month, which is what normal MMORPGs that receive constant updates cost.
Because the type of business people who get involved in Hollywood like to think they are creative, but really they’re more ‘creative manipulators’. I’ve worked on countless features between directors and producers and producers always meddle with no clue. Just yesterday the producer wanted to cut two scenes out of our…
He probably doesn’t even know why. He is just hating on it because it is a thing to so I guess. He did click on the article. I think the game is amazing and it is a game I cannot put down.
‘Cuz haters gonna hate. They can’t stand people with differing opinions.
for anyone that was a ridiculous and stupid thing to type. Snickers probably won't be enough to fix that kind of stupid.
I don’t think anyone saw a comment like this coming, not from a mile away.
Idiot alert.
No worries. A lot of people say that Bungie should just add matchmaking to everything since LFG sites exist, but those are two totally different things. I’ve yet to group with a true moron from an LFG site, but I swear everyone other person I play with in strike playlists plays like an idiot. It’s like going out with…
It’s a long shot to expect a games journalist to be able to find out what, potentially controversial subject matter, lies behind closed doors at a company like Bungie.
Do you really think I haven’t tried? I’ve gone through both official routes and back channels quite a few times over the past year or so, but nobody wants to talk about it — even anonymously — and if nobody will talk about it, there’s no story to be told.